GovTech is a new term that refers to the modernization and/or digitization of government services for better accessibility and efficiency of public services. A mouth full, but this suggests a need for governments to do what the private sector has been doing from the start: embrace and incorporate industry 4.0 technology. However, to do so […]
Adnan Kayyali
Junior social media strategist with a degree in media and communication. Technology enthusiast and freelance writer. Favorite hobby: 3D modeling.
Recent research conducted by researchers from Queen Mary University of London and Leeds Beckett University suggests that UV light technology can be used to neutralize COVID-19 particles traveling through the air. This kind of UV light called ‘Upper room UVGI’ (UV Germicidal Irradiation) could then be used to curb the spread of the virus. Although […]
Indian tech adoption has been heavily expedited by the pandemic at a rate faster than anything we have seen before. In countries around the world, rural and urban residents alike are fast resorting to communication technology to go about their business while staying safe. Over the past four months, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, […]
If one stops to think about those affected by cyberattacks and malicious online activities, pharmaceutical companies and medical manufacturers are not the first victims that spring to mind. However, all the smoke from the global pandemic and the race for better healthcare and vaccine manufacturing has attracted some unwanted attention as hackers target pharma companies […]
Economic recessions are pivotal times in every nation’s history. Today, the decisions made for the future of the economy and society at large will continue to unfold in response to the forming pandemic. While the crisis has prompted the need to adopt automation technology across industries, how will this shift impact our future? Today, the […]
In a panel by the European Research and Innovation Days, several panelists gather to discuss the economic and social post-pandemic recovery of Europe. What the speakers propose may worry some and delight others. Can the COVID-19 pandemic be the push we need to change our perspective on sustainability? Among the panelists tackling the issue, Stephanie […]
Fitbit has been selected by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command to receive a grant of around $2.5 million to advance their research on an early COVID-19 detection algorithm, with data collected through wearable fitness devices. The success of this research and others like it would be a game changer for the fight […]
The Banyuwangi regency has been awarded with the 2020 Indonesia Smart Nation Award, or ISNA, for their innovative ICT solution that assists in on pandemic aid distribution with efficiency and accuracy amid the pandemic. The solution is an online monitoring network allowed real time information to be gathered about people and families in need, giving […]
Cultural customs and etiquette In some cultures, people bow their heads lightly or give a subtle nod of acknowledgement when greeting someone. In other cultures of the world, two people may rub noses or greet by conventional handshake instead. Countries with more intimate greeting habits such as kissing cheeks, shaking hands or hugging increase risk […]
Digital transformation does not just refer to starting a website or app for any business out there, it is more about people, both employees and customers, than the product itself. In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the sudden shift in all aspects of life will have impactful long-term effects. There are numerous things companies […]