The futuristic league of 5G, Blockchain, and IoT will birth a balanced ecosystem, colliding telcos capabilities, IoT applications, and a cryptographic ledger to optimize business and daily functions. The mobile wireless network industry witnessed heavy alternations and developments throughout the years. Developments that brought it to the advanced level it is in right now. Communication […]
Daryn Kara Ali
Daryn Kara-Ali has worked in the technology media space for three years. She is Inside Telecom’s Managing Editor. A digital and print news platform and magazine specializing in technology and telecoms. Her self-taught expertise has helped her manage and create a wide range of informative pieces covering all aspects of the tech industry, with content democratizing the industry, generally on a worldwide scale and specifically in the UAE. Daryn has solidly worked on driving a robust, informative culture of innovation around the tech and telecom space on a broad scale, be it digitally or physically, through Inside Telecom’s print magazine, focusing on the UAE. Her efforts and robust professional background fueled her to push herself to take her work to the next level.
When it comes to finding the appropriate party to serve as its distributor, rocket manufacturer, and technology guru, the Department of Defense (DoD) fixed its sight on SpaceX, multi-billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s aerospace company. In one of the U.S.’s attempts to empower its stance in the fight of the powerhouses with China, the relation between […]
The world as we know it is being altered in the way humanity functions in ways we could not have fathomed ten years ago, and the Covid-19 pandemic played a critical role in altering the path the world is marching on. A new technological wave emerged in the past three years, and various tech companies […]
Planet Earth, a captivating and bountiful big blue marble, roaming in space. A Terra we call home. Yet, as humans, we tend to have detrimental and catastrophic environmental effects in ways exceeding expectations on our homeland. Effects that elicited disastrous climate issues and urbanization are one of them. This issue prompted the creation of intelligent […]
Women never failed to leave their mark as they created their path in various professional industries, and one industry is no stranger to the success of the historic women of the tech industry. Throughout the years, we have read the books of some of the most intellectual women from Jane Austen and Anna Frank, who […]
TVs were big, bulky, and took excessive space from the living room in the past. Then, flatscreen emerged on the scene with its slim and aesthetic design that just fits right in, as long as you have a wall to mount it on. TVs accentuate the stylish aspect of the room, and a suitable TV […]
Google’s Alphabet Moonshot factory, you can say it is something out of the ordinary, and the people working there, well, they kind of fit under the same description but with their talent. They think to give us the answers to some of the most critical questions, placing it as one of the few mind factories […]
The COVID-19 pandemic and the overtake of digital transformation on all frontiers hazardously affected the supply chain of many industries, and the smartphone industry is one of them. With the speedy technological development, everyone has built this craving to have the thinnest, fastest, latest, and smartest phones. But what do we really know about the […]
When the world was first hit with its COVID-19 case and the news hastily spread, global populations were hit with the pandemic whiplash, bursting into their comfort zones and breaking all bounders of normality. For the tech industry, however, this was not the case. As businesses were closing doors, Big Tech giants were embracing the […]
The application of ethics and morals in technology and the extent to which ethical values are applied in technology has always been a philosophical question that is only now being looked upon. As digital development maintains its exponential rise, so does the power to act that accompanies it. Technological power in different fields, such as […]