WhatsApp has added a major feature to its most recent Windows beta version that enables users to start conversations with unknown contacts without adding their phone numbers to their address book. This move is intended to improve user convenience and privacy when messaging. The chat app is reportedly testing this feature on Windows with a […]
Nour El Souki
As generations grow with the use and interaction with AI- enabled devices, one should be highly aware of the effects of AI and children.
Did you know that research discovered that humans feel at ease and their focus decreases on tasks that have been viewed by robots?
Social media and modern war: From TikTok to Meta, an inside look at social media's influence on global events in real time.
Issues with pornographic deepfake content is at a peak rise with Google and Microsoft’s search engines. But what about the women?
The world of fashion has moved beyond mere threads and fabrics and decided to get a whiff of technology in its clothing lines. You’re probably wondering why, and this is because Adobe decided to enter the chat. I know that you might be a tad bit confused and ask what a computer software company is […]
So, science has given us another unraveling, and this time, it is a dance of biology. The dancers? Pig genes and human biology. And monkeys.
Did you know that there aren’t only hacks for GTA but also for cheap airfare hacks? Now that Christmas is around the corner, continue reading
Artificial Intelligence in psychiatry is helping specialists detect schizophrenia through sequences of automated analysis of language.
Misinformation is happening from both sides on social media and technology and war propaganda is spreading like never before.