
Apple Reassures iPhone Users about Thumb Injuries

On August 16th, the Cupertino-based company reversed its decision to move the call end button from bottom center to bottom right with the iOS 17 update. iPhone users expressed unprecedented relief. The collective fear was that thumbs could be irreversibly damaged. The tearing of the Tenar muscles connecting thumb to palm was the main concern. […]

Access Da Vinci’s Thoughts Online

More than 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci put pen to paper and recorded the future. He invented the tank, the helicopter, the automatic rifle, the diving suit and the parachute. And this was just the tip of his particular iceberg. Da Vinci’s thoughts, diagrams and art were so extraordinary they were considered heretical. They […]

Think CX Is Dead? Here’s Why You’re Wrong

CX Isn’t a Direct Revenue Generator, but It’s Still Key to Success In Forrester’s latest report on the future of the European market, there’s a concerning prediction. In 2023, the analyst firm estimates that one in five customer experience (CX) programmes will disappear if they aren’t able to prove their return on investment (ROI). At […]

Let’s Get Digital: Enriching the Telco Customer Experience in the Digital Age

The telecommunications industry is, unfortunately, not famed for offering a positive customer experience (CX). And the situation worsens when you look specifically at the digital CX. Why is the sector at the heart of technological development challenged by the digital future? Here, Hamish White, CEO of telecoms software provider Mobilise, explains how telcos can differentiate themselves and […]

The Simple Guide to Bankruptcy in the USA

Bankruptcy in the USA: At times, it may appear as if filing for bankruptcy is your only alternative. Bankruptcy is not a choice to be taken lightly, even though we understand you can feel afraid and trapped. In order to make the best choice for your circumstances, it is imperative to understand exactly what bankruptcy […]

The iPhone 15’s Bold Leap

The impact of eSIM-only on mobile operators — risks, opportunities and disintermediation dilemmas Following the launch of the iPhone 14 as eSIM-only in the US, Apple continues to embrace eSIM technology. Recent reports indicate that the iPhone 15 will also be eSIM-only, this time in Europe. This move will further reinforce the company’s commitment to leading the charge in consumer eSIM […]