Search results for "big tech"

Arizona Semiconductor Factory Delay Caused by Worker Shortage

The Taiwan Semiconductor Company (TSMC) has delayed the operational start of its first microprocessor factory in Arizona by a year. This is due to a shortage of skilled workers. The skill required to oversee the manufacturing process is highly specialised and the company foresees the need to train American workers to supplement the skilled Taiwanese […]

Barbie vs. Oppenheimer:  A True Clash of the Titans

It’s An Even Match “Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the most keenly anticipated contest in many a month. It’s the clash of the titans, the big weekend heavyweight knockdown featuring Mr. Atomic himself, Oppenheimer, in the one corner. And in the other, looking devastating in pink, heeeeeeeere’s Barbie! “Joining me ringside here […]

Telecom in Agriculture

The impact of ICT on modern agriculture and the role of telecom in smart farming is of great importance. By using connected technologies such as IoT sensors, LPWAN, cellular connectivity, AI, and analytics, telecom technologies can enable solutions that help minimize resources usage in agriculture.   ____________________  Throughout history, the agricultural industry has played a significant […]

What Can TikTok Offer to Societies? Beyond What Meets the Eye

We all know it. By now, it has become one of the leading mainstream platforms, bringing to the social media scene a new feature and a new form of entertainment, reels. It is TikTok, the short-form video entertainment platform that in no time usurped one of the internet’s leading social media kings, Instagram. Used by […]

“Banking Is Necessary, Banks Are Not,” Bill Gates

Gaining the favor of clientele who are growing more informed and selective; this is the name of the game. Technology is playing an increasingly pivotal role in reshaping banking customers’ behavior. They now are enjoying more control over their finances, and greater flexibility. This is thanks to an expanded range of personalized tech solutions now available, which […]