Search results for "computers"

Privacy Issues in IT

In our current era, data and information are becoming an increasingly crucial element in our daily life. Be it as an individual or a customer, your data is vital. The right to privacy is essential for you to understand and protect. IT can gain visibility into all your data infrastructure within an evolving technology landscape. […]

How to Build a Cybersecurity Strategy for a Startup

Many startups might not place cybersecurity at the top of their priority list, or take the taime to put together a strategy, but that’s a significant mistake they might come to regret once it’s too late. Building a culture of cyber security and taking the required steps, such as setting up security software and using […]

Malicious Applications: How You Can Protect Your Business

Long before the inception of the internet, in 1971, the world’s first malware was born. Dubbed “The Creeper,” it behaved like a worm by infiltrating Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) computers and spreading via a network protocol posting the message “I’m the creeper, catch me if you can” as it went. The intention was […]

Apple Warns of Lower iPhone Shipments as COVID Curbs Hobble China Plant

Apple Inc expects lower shipments of premium iPhone 14 models than previously anticipated following a significant production cut at a virus-blighted plant in China, dampening its sales outlook for the busy year-end holiday season. Demand for high-end smartphones assembled at Foxconn’s Zhengzhou plant has helped Apple remain a bright spot in a technology sector battered […]

Application of Photonic Integrated Circuits

Major innovation is being made possible by integrated photonics in a variety of applications. Multiple photonic functionalities are being incorporated into integrated circuits for communication, sensing, and, in the future, computer applications in the quickly developing subject of photonics. By integrating several discrete single-function components (such as specialized lasers, photodetectors, and pertinent optical interfaces), complex […]

Boston-Based Quantum Computer Quera Joins Amazon’s Cloud for Public Access

Quantum computer startup QuEra, born from researchers at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said on Tuesday its computer is now accessible to the public through cloud’s quantum computer service Braket. While there are various technologies for creating so-called quantum bits or qubits where the computations happen, QuEra’s qubits use neutral atoms […]

China Chip Industry: Down but Not Out

In a move that could set back China’s tech ambitions by as much as a decade, U.S President Joe Biden is chipping away at the China chip industry. This move aims to stifle Beijing’s tech and military ambitions. The actions are intended to stop China from receiving essential technology that may be used in a […]

Non Fungible Tolkien: The New Lord of the Rings NFT

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has announced the launch of a Lord of the Rings NFT, nicknamed Non Fungible Tolkien by the public. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a three-part epic fantasy adventure film series. Peter Jackson, the director of LOTR, based these masterpieces on the book series of the same name written by […]

Importance of the Car Connection Data Control

Day by day, more connected automobiles are hitting the road. Drivers are generating mass volumes of data about them and their cars. The window of opportunity is open for tech companies and automakers alike. Yet a straightforward question arises, who owns the data and has control over it and its use? It remains unclear. The […]

Photonic Integrated Circuits: The Future of Computing

We generate about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data per day. This rate of data creation will increase as the IoT (Internet of Things) gains popularity. In 2020, there will be about 44 zettabytes of data worldwide. By 2025, there will probably be 175 zettabytes of data, considering how much data is produced every day. With […]