Search results for "ai systems"

Unique Illinois privacy law leads to $550M Facebook deal

By KATHLEEN FOODY Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) — Adam Pezen, Carlo Licata and Nimesh Patel are among millions of people who have been tagged in Facebook photos at some point in the past decade, sometimes at the suggestion of an automated tagging feature powered by facial recognition technology. It was their Illinois addresses, though, that […]

How can telcos improve their business performance in the digital era?

Telecom companies are now using customer analytics, network analytics, CLV, automation, and big data to improve their business performance. Operators need to look at numerous factors to enable the implementation of such tools which even then, requires continuous monitoring. Many telecom companies have reaped the benefits of going digital by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and […]

Rolling out Edge Computing in the UAE

Etisalat has made a multi-year edge computing partnership with Microsoft, which the UAE-based telco claims, will underpin future 5G services. Details are not yet fully available, but Etisalat says it wants to create a digital platform on Azure that can incorporate exciting technologies such as automation and AI. Along with 5G, it will “enable new […]

Digital banking platform making headway in Africa

The first Angolan digital banking platform DUbank, is set to be inaugurated at the beginning of 2020 with an initial investment valued at $12 million. Sérgio Hirose, Executive Director at DUbank, claimed that all the legal requirements stipulated by the National Bank of Angola have already been fulfilled. The only item remaining was the endorsement […]

WHO working with Google to combat virus misinformation

By JAMEY KEATEN Associated Press GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization is working with Google to ensure that people get facts from WHO first when they search for information about the new virus that recently emerged in China. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the opening of WHO’s executive board meeting on Monday that social […]

Advancing tech trends to empower the Entrepreneur

The world has changed, and the wonderful and ambitious era of tech has arrived. Its progress is increasing rapidly and if you keep up-to-date, you will see that blockchain, deep learning, neural networks, robotics, AR and smart AI-assistants can empower an individual’s professional aspirations. There is a fresher and more innovative tech solution, to replace old-fashioned […]

Preparing for digital transformation of the workplace

The 20th century office space is non-existent. Hand completed tasks and standing at the photocopier are now images of a previous era. The future of our office is now in the digital world. In July 2019, Amazon announced its plans to spend $700 million to train 100,000 workers in the US by 2025 and support […]

Can we really transition from paper money to a cashless society?

In the recent years, money and our perception of it, has evolved significantly. The rapid advancements in technology has influenced and diversified the form and nature of money used for exchange purposes: from coins to paper to bank-accounts to e-wallets and cryptocurrency, money no longer has a single, identifiable image. Based on how fast the […]