Search results for "Intel"

The global fight to regulate 5G is happening right now

Almost everywhere you look, there’s a story about 5G and its impact on humanity from every conceivable aspect. The fifth generation of mobile networks has dominated tech headlines far and wide, where every telco, tech news outlet, and private tech firm has flooded the Internet with 5G content as far as the finger can click. […]

Time to start taking cybersecurity more seriously

Cyberattacks across the world have drastically increased, while most of them don’t dominate headlines – such as the Adobe or Equifax breaches – hackers have targeted companies of all sizes seeing that business digitization is on the rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the world transforming into a data-fueled reality, the risks become larger, […]

How hackers target pharma and hinder vaccine distribution

If one stops to think about those affected by cyberattacks and malicious online activities, pharmaceutical companies and medical manufacturers are not the first victims that spring to mind. However, all the smoke from the global pandemic and the race for better healthcare and vaccine manufacturing has attracted some unwanted attention as hackers target pharma companies […]

AI: the new customer service champion

With artificial intelligence (AI) on the rise, reaching higher levels of sophistication and faster response rates, many companies are looking to deploy it within their customer service branches to primarily reduce costs and enhance customer experience.  Currently, the tech is not fully able to take over the tasks carried out by human customer service agents. […]

How can telcos capitalize on IoT?

Currently it’s hard for anyone to read tech news, attend webinars, or surf the Internet without the slightest mention of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the mix.  Set to become one of the most disruptive technologies since Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn’s invention of the World Wide Web, IoT holds so much promise across […]

IoT and data-driven FinTech look to rock finance to its core

As the Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on businesses, countries, and global economies alike, bringing projects, funding, conferences, and travel to a screeching halt, the tech industry prospered and skyrocketed upwards. Digitization filled the air with everything from education, grocery shopping to remote working from home. The financial services industry, although under extreme pressure to meet […]

i3forum Insights Expands Its Data Sets to Give International Carriers a 360 View of the Voice Market

 i3forum, a not-for-profit industry body enabling and accelerating transformation across the carrier ecosystem, has added direct traffic data to i3forum Insights, its comprehensive market database for international voice services. The feature will enable international carriers to plan, optimise and benchmark their voice businesses with access to both wholesale and bilateral traffic data.  The addition of […]

Vertical farming: future farming prospects

The current pandemic has really opened our eyes and showed us how fragile our food systems are. But fret not, tech comes to the rescue once again, with novel innovations in the field of vertical farming that are creating the building blocks for a sustainable blueprint to supply food to the world.  The global food […]

Trump bans US investment in Chinese military-linked firms

U.S. President Donald Trump has stepped up a conflict with China over security and technology by barring Americans from investing in companies that U.S. officials say are owned or controlled by the Chinese military. The Chinese government accused Washington of misusing national security as an excuse to hamper competition and warned Friday that Trump’s order […]

Can AI & Fintech forever change the financial landscape?

The global computational arms race has augmented the technologies far and wide, bolstering their capabilities, and opening up a plethora of possibilities for companies across industries. FinTech is no exception to this, specifically when narrowing our focus toward artificial intelligence (AI).  Global AI in the Fintech market was estimated at USD 6.67 billion in 2019 […]