Search results for "Intel"

Pandemic pushes robotic surgery innovation

As we continue the battle against the pandemic, new technologies are being introduced, existing ones are being developed whilst others have become obsolete. In the case of innovation, artificial intelligence has impacted and changed many industries. In medicine, development efforts in AI precision technology has led to the wide adoption of robotic surgery in many […]

Partnerships, expansion & more as telcos heat up 5G race

The race for 5G rollout is on. As humanity edges closer to the fifth generation of mobile networks, the world’s key players that will spearhead this telecoms revolution begins as companies’ team up, while others are shunned and isolated. On the European front, Swedish Ericsson and Finnish Nokia seem to be leading the line. BT […]

Harris target of more misinformation than Pence, data shows

CHICAGO (AP) — Long before Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced her as his running mate, Kamala Harris was the target of widespread online misinformation. Social media posts included racist claims that she was ineligible to serve in the White House or that she was lying about her Black and Indian heritage. Her mother is […]

Geographic information systems: advancing technology for COVID-19 response

With technology leaping to the forefront of the battle against the pandemic, Inside Telecom examines GIS technology, one of the most recent developments to help mitigate the spread of the virus.  Geographic information systems, or more commonly known as GIS technology, combines location with real time or static data. In turn, the technology analyzes, manages, […]

It’s time to start regulating AI from within

This year has been a roller coaster ride for the United States, from the emergence and swift spread of the Covid-19 pandemic to dreadful natural disasters, and the ongoing trade war the U.S. has been waging against China. The main headline that has dominated the news and even shaped the narrative of the U.S. presidential […]

NEC to develop UK 5G network, following trade agreement

Japanese IT giant NEC Corp. has agreed to support the UK’s development of fifth generation wireless networks across Britain, according to the British government. The announcement comes as Japan and the United Kingdom have penned a post-Brexit bilateral free trade agreement, in which it was made public via tweet by the UK Department for International […]

Growing use of cloud storage, but a hybrid approach remains

Technological trends and developments are changing the way data is stored, along with the way it needs to be protected; which is why data security has been placed at the heart of organizations’ concerns as they edge closer toward complete digitization. As data continues to become not only more valuable, but also more essential for […]

Contactless tech deployed in restaurant chains amid pandemic

As we continue adapting to the pandemic, we notice that our needs as consumers are rapidly changing. Not so long ago, standing in-line at a packed fast food chain, waiting to get served, was considered to be the norm in dining experiences; we can evidently see how this scenario can’t be applied in the time […]

Healthcare cybersecurity on the rise, hackers close behind

Wherever there is technology, there is the risk of cyberattacks; and the healthcare industry is by no means an exception, especially since the global Covid-19 pandemic. A vast number of wide-ranging hacks and data breaches launched on hospitals and healthcare providers have drastically increased the industry’s investment within cybersecurity to protect not only their patients, […]

Could AI be the answer to world hunger?

The contributions of recent technological developments toward humanity has characterized this period in history as the best time to be alive. From advancements in the field of medicine, to construction, even reaching the service industry, we have made strides in bettering humanity’s quality of life. But there remains a lot to be done; and the […]