Search results for "Intel"

Microsoft attempts takedown of global criminal botnet

Microsoft announced legal action Monday seeking to disrupt a major cybercrime digital network that uses more than 1 million zombie computers to loot bank accounts and spread ransomware, which experts consider a major threat to the U.S. presidential election. The operation to knock offline command-and-control servers for a global botnet that uses an infrastructure known […]

Cybersecurity in telecoms - now needed more than ever

It comes as no surprise that the telecoms industry ranks among the worst in handling and fighting cybersecurity. Although telcos have made immense leaps in protecting their networks and customers, the weak link resides among its employees and executives who poorly manage their passwords and access to their data. Almost 43 percent of telecom companies […]

5G and the public sector: a plethora of change awaits

A person residing in a rural area is in dire need of surgery, and the nearest hospital is 100 Km away; the alternative? They check into a remote surgical facility close to home, in parallel, a surgeon conducts the operation via robot from his office in the city, and then provides the family with post-op […]

COVID-19 Impacts on Fintech: challenges and emerging solutions

The Fintech industry is developing rapidly, however like most other sectors it has been hit hard by the pandemic. We take a closer look at the top COVID-19 impacts on Fintech, both the challenges and unexpected developments. Digital finance is on the move   With quarantines and lockdowns enforced, the use of remote services has […]

Has Covid-19 pushed IoT forward?

The sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the state of countries, communities, and individuals in more ways than anybody expected; from complete the lockdown of schools to job losses across the board, while not undermining the loss of lives in its wake. And as governments and the private sector scramble to put out […]

SkillAssure Discoveri: India’s tech retraining program now aids Philippines

Tech solutions providers Rabah Consultancy based in Manila, Philippines and Pratian Technologies, a company based in India, have teamed up to bring Pratian’s tech retraining program, Discoveri, to the Philippines. Under SkillAssure, a business unit of Pratian Technologies, Dicoveri is a 5-day learning course that allows those who have lost their jobs amid the pandemic, […]

The new frontier of smart farming powered by 5G

A new green revolution is coming our way, and it looks promising as the prospect of 5G comes ever closer within humanity’s grasp. According to a study done by the United Nations, agriculture is a multimillion-dollar industry and one of the largest in the world, accounting for almost 1 percent of GDP in the UK, […]

How IoT and 5G will leap humanity into the future

The Internet of Things (IoT) is on rise. Connected devices are set to increase from 700 million to 3.2 billion by 2023, according to numbers by titan telecom manufacturer, Huawei. And with it comes endless technological possibilities that will rock modern society as we know it. This is great news for the IoT market, as […]

5G giveth, & 5G taketh away: the unemployment problem

Technology has always been ambiguous when it comes to the development of humanity. The printing press. The internet. Electricity. The steam engine. The telegraph. Each of these discoveries and inventions have greatly impacted society as a whole, taking humanity to the forefront of technological development. These innovations are more often than not the catalyst for […]