Search results for "Intel"

Secretive Palantir lifts veil before Wall Street stock sale

BOSTON (AP) — Palantir Technologies Inc., a data-mining company with deep ties to U.S. intelligence and military agencies, has shed a good deal of its trademark secrecy about its business in filing for a Wall Street stock offering. Like many other tech companies, it will be going public without ever turning a profit. In filings […]

Pudong and Hongqiao Airports are expected to have 5G connectivity in November

China has been working seriously on including 5G initiatives as part of the aviation infrastructures. “Digitalization is a new value-growth point of the whole aviation industry”, said Xu Jun, vice president of Asia-Pacific OEMs of Honeywell Aerospace, according to Xinhuanet. On August 24, 2020, The Shanghai Airport Authority signed an agreement with Shanghai branches of […]

African Innovation against COVID-19

As the African continent records more than a million confirmed COVID-19 cases, African innovators have responded to the challenges brought on by the pandemic via several creative inventions. We have listed 8 great ideas that are helping local communities. 1. ‘Doctor Car’ RobotDeveloped by students from the Dakar Polytechnic School in Senegal, the ‘Doctor Car’ […]

Vodafone adds laptop security to help with the rise in cyber threats

Vodafone has expanded its business security services to include protection for business customers’ laptops and desktops. Trend Micro’s ‘Worry-Free’ service is a new detection service to protect businesses and their employees from online security threats such as ransomware, out-of-date applications, and phishing attacks on desktops and laptops. Recent research* by Vodafone has found that 90% […]

Latest update on the Russian vaccine for Covid-19

Petrovax Pharm, a full cycle biopharmaceutical company in Russia has started the late-stage trial of the Russian vaccine candidate for COVID-19 from CanSino Biologics Inc. The Chinese drug firm is setting up testing abroad to close the gap on regulatory approval. The Russian vaccine dubbed Ad5-nCoV has already received approval for military use by China […]

China’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate just received a patent

One of China’s COVID-19 vaccine candidates now in late-stage development, named Ad5-nCoV, just received a patent by the country’s authorities. The vaccine candidate “is safe and induces an immune response,” China Global Television Network (CGTN) said on their Twitter page. The vaccine is a recombinant adenovirus inactivity vaccine co-developed by CanSino, led by Chinese military […]

Trump administration imposes new Huawei restrictions

The Trump administration is further tightening restrictions on China’s Huawei, seeking to starve it of crucial components by cutting off all access to U.S. technology. “We don’t want their equipment in the United States because they spy on us,” Trump told Fox News on Monday. “And any country that uses it, we’re not going to […]

India: A new cybersecurity policy to be introduced by the end of the year

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, Cybersecurity attacks in India may have increased by 500% according to Pavan Duggal, a Supreme Court and Cyber Law expert. Cyber threats have potential impacts on Indian society, economy, and development. The introduction of a new cybersecurity strategy is crucial for India, considered home to the second-largest internet user base. “Threats […]