Search results for "Intel"

Robots replacing journalists in major news outlets

Robots replacing journalists and editorial workers for news coverage in Microsoft’s major news outlets, MSN, Microsoft News, and Microsoft Edge. The company has been introducing AI into their work in the past few months, encouraging their staff to utilize the technology. Recently, automation has even filled more permanent roles in the US and UK. Microsoft […]

Facebook removes nearly 200 accounts tied to hate groups

By DAVID KLEPPER Associated Press Facebook has removed nearly 200 social media accounts linked to white supremacy groups that planned to encourage members to attend protests over police killings of black people — in some cases with weapons, company officials said Friday. The accounts on Facebook and Instagram were tied to the Proud Boys and […]

Study: Autonomous vehicles won't make roads completely safe

By TOM KRISHER AP Auto Writer DETROIT (AP) — A new study says that while autonomous vehicle technology has great promise to reduce crashes, it may not be able to prevent all mishaps caused by human error. Auto safety experts say humans cause about 94% of U.S. crashes, but the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety […]

Tech Startups Rush to Develop Immunity Passports

Tech start-ups are rushing to develop immunity passports. These are official certificates that are given to people that have recovered from COVID-19 or were asymptomatic before. The idea is that people link their identity to a coronavirus test result and then share their status with third parties such as employers, restaurants and airports. That’s how […]

India’s growing production powerhouse

Issues between the United States and China continue, however other countries can be forgiven for wondering why they should be considered as helpless bystanders as the worlds two main superpowers go head-to-head in a battle over which of them should attain or retain dominance in the global telecommunications business. Perhaps one of the most expected […]

In virus-hit South Korea, AI monitors lonely elders

By KIM TONG-HYUNG Associated Press SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — In a cramped office in eastern Seoul, Hwang Seungwon points a remote control toward a huge NASA-like overhead screen stretching across one of the walls. With each flick of the control, a colorful array of pie charts, graphs and maps reveals the search habits of […]

37 Nations Join C-TAP Initiative To Tackle COVID-19

37 nations have agreed to sign the C-TAP initiative aimed at developing vaccines, treatments, tests and other health technologies to fight coronavirus, accessible to all. C-TAP short for COVID-19 Technology Access Pool, was proposed early in March by Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado who joined WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during the video launch […]

Ecuador allocates temporary spectrum to cope with bandwidth demands

In the light of the current pandemic, Ecuador is one of many countries allocating additional spectrum to its operators to cope with the rising data capacity demands of online traffic. Ecuador’s Ministry of Telecommunication & Information Society (Mintel) has announced plans to temporarily allocate mobile spectrum to “improve service capacity and quality”. This follows a […]

Neuroscientists launch a Hearing Aid App using AI

A universal hearing aid app has been launched by ChatableApps using AI technology. Unlike traditional techniques which focus on the ear itself, the ChatableApp targets the brain. By reverse engineering the hearing process in a healthy human brain, a technique dubbed end-to-end synthesis was built. This allows sufferers of hearing loss to be able to […]