Search results for "elections"

Don't Be Too Sure About Deepfake Influencing 2024 Elections

It’s late December and the media are amping up pre-election chatter. The United States, the United Kingdom and India are all going to the polls. It’s the biggest election year in the history of the democratic process. The dominant narrative is, of course, AI. Deepfake video and audio content are threatening to laugh in the […]

Can We Safeguard Elections in the Age of AI? 

To ensure the integrity of the democratic process in the elections in the age of AI, constitutional changes are needed to establish a regulatory framework.  Let’s take a trip to the future, shall we? It’s the year 2024, and the presidential election is right around the corner. But guess what? Things are different this time […]

Blockchain Elections: A Stop to Trump's Fraud Claims?

Call me cynical, but I’m not fond of politicians. But to give credit where credit is due, some are good businesspeople with no business running for any political position, let alone for the U.S. office. Yes, I’m looking at you, Donald. You’d think a guy who ran for office four times but only made it […]

Explainer-Crypto Industry Spends Millions on U.S. Midterm Elections

The cryptocurrency industry has spent millions of dollars on U.S. midterm election races during a year of heavy losses and upheaval in the sector, which hopes to gain sway among legislators as Congress debates tighter regulation of digital assets. Crypto evangelists view 2023 as a critical year for regulation, with Congress expected to make progress […]

Zambia kills off the internet amid presidential elections

For authoritarianism to survive, it must learn to adapt.   While governments have been utilizing the latest tech to communicate with their people and understand their sentiment, the same tools are being used in a pervasive, yet subtle manner, in a bid to enforce repression among the public and remain in power.  An example of this could be seen as WhatsApp and other social media platforms are now being blocked in Zambia […]