Search results for "big tech companies"

Europe bolsters pioneering tech rules with help from Haugen

European lawmakers have pioneered efforts to rein in big technology companies and are working to strengthen those rules, putting them ahead of the United States and other parts of world that have been slower to regulate Facebook and other social media giants facing increasing blowback over misinformation and other harmful content that can proliferate on […]

China's Singles' Day shopping fest muted amid tech crackdown

China’s biggest online shopping day, known as “Singles’ Day” on Nov. 11, is taking on a muted tone this year as regulators crack down on the technology industry and President Xi Jinping pushes for “common prosperity.” The Singles’ Day shopping festival — also known as Double 11 — is a massive event for China’s e-commerce […]

Google bids on Pentagon program for Cloud computing technology

Three years ago, Google was pressured by its employees to drop a Pentagon project using artificial intelligence (AI), now, the Big Tech giant is chasing after another massive contract that will work on cloud computing to the military, according to The New York Times.  In 2018, Google backed away from Project Maven with the Department of […]

Humanity and produce: The Future of Biotechnology

We humans are curious creatures. If we weren’t we would still be living in caves, if living at all. It is in our nature to pursue answers about the cosmos, why things are the way they are, how they came to be, and endlessly more complex questions.   Among the most baffling questions that keep scientists awake at night is ‘what is life’. The future of biotechnology may hold the answer to […]

An "eraser button"? Focused ideas could help bridle Big Tech

Break up Big Tech? How about shrinking the tech companies’ shield against liability in cases where the content they push to users causes harm? Or creating a new regulator to strictly oversee the industry? Those ideas have captured official attention in the U.S., Europe, U.K. and Australia as controversy has enveloped Facebook — which on […]

Chinese tech regulations morph U.S. firms’ course of action

U.S. Big Tech legion seems to be torn between two economic powerhouses. In a battle for dominion between the East and the West, Big Tech companies are forfeiting from the Chinese market to prevent getting caught in the conflict, except for Apple, according to the BBC. Last week, Microsoft announced news of shutting down its professional […]

Consumer watchdog to probe Big Tech payment systems

In its first significant action under a new director, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is ordering Apple, Amazon, PayPal and other tech giants to reveal how their proprietary payment networks function. Apple Pay, Google Pay and other payment systems created by big tech companies now dominate large portions of e-commerce and person-to-person payments. CFPB Director […]

U.S. Senate anti-discrimination bill weighs on Big Tech firms

On Thursday, a bipartisan entity of senators revealed plans to welcome a nondiscrimination bill as pressure rises on the U.S. Senate to legislate a new set of laws prohibiting tech platforms from preferencing the company’s commodities and services over their rivals. After months of negotiations and hearings, the Senate has finally spoken, and its latest […]