Search results for "ban"

The Internet of Senses

Currently, technology connects with two of our senses (sight and sound). A study conducted by mobile manufacturer Ericsson, indicates that consumers expect an ‘Internet of Senses’ by the year 2030. This will include the ability to digitally transfer thoughts, have wearables that can immediately translate languages and experience taste, smell, touch, and temperature. As we […]

Spam Calls – a persistent problem in 2019

We have all been the recipient of random calls from numbers that we simply do not recognize. You may even have noticed more frequent incoming spam calls as of late. Well, statistics show that your suspicion is not simply paranoia but a concerning fact. According to a report published by Truecaller, spam calls have increased […]

Testing tech ideas in public? San Francisco says get permit

By JANIE HAR Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Tired of San Francisco streets being used as a testing ground for the latest delivery technology and transportation apps, city leaders are now requiring businesses to get permits before trying out new high-tech ideas in public. Supporters of the legislation, which the Board of Supervisors unanimously […]

Blockchain and Operators – the good kind of disruptive

Considered a disruptive technology because of the increasing realization of its ability to transform across multiple industries, blockchain removes any requirement for ‘middle men’ and reconciliation processes as it guarantees the validity of its data using shared infrastructure. At the point of creation, this data is recognised as valid by all parties and can’t be […]

Is the telecoms industry responding to changing consumer needs?

The Telecoms industry comprises of multiple players including broadband, mobile, cable and satellite services, and as such, is becoming increasingly competitive with companies striving for higher customer retention. While recent announcements show that telecoms companies are improving their customer care capabilities, data suggests the sector has a way to go before catching up with the […]

This week in the world of Tech and Telecoms

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, stepped down from their day-to-day duties at the company. It’s the end of an era for both Google and the tech industry as a whole. Facebook’s New Product Experimentation Team (NPE Team, for short) is up to. It’s experimenting with podcasts, travel services, and newsletter tools. That is […]

State AGs look to head off T-Mobile-Sprint deal in court

By TALI ARBEL AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — A high-drama telecom deal is heading to court. T-Mobile, in its attempt to buy Sprint for $26.5 billion, has already notched approvals from key federal regulators. Now it must convince a federal judge that the 14 state attorneys general suing to stop the deal are […]

Spectrum Pricing and Developing Countries

What is spectrum pricing? The spectrum, relates to the radio frequencies allocated to the mobile phone industry for communication on the airwaves. Aside from cellular telephony, radio frequencies are used for broadcast radio and television, air traffic control, shortwave radio navigation, computer networks and many other applications. Spectrum bands have different aspects which make them […]

Facts about Global Internet Speed

Have you ever wondered why it takes so long for a song to download or for your Netflix to stream? Or perhaps, you’re someone who takes their internet speed for granted and never encounters problems. Inside Telecom has collected some facts about World Internet Speeds and the things that impact them. The global average broadband […]

Improving Road Safety with 5G Technology

In the recent few years, the automotive industry has been working in close partnership with major technology companies to develop cars with more advanced 5G technology – aiming to optimize driver experience and road safety. These developments remain to be an integral aspect of improving and sustaining a safe road network, which is fast becoming […]