Search results for "internet data"

Web3 Will Save Your Data, but Will It Save You Money?

You need to keep up. Web3 is not something to anticipate. It is something you need to adapt to and live with. Web3 is the next step for various sectors, and the telecom sector is no different. Telecom and Web3 are codependent. There is a need for a balance between them. This balance is crucial […]

Why Is Comium Offering 4G Data Service Free of Charge?

Comium is currently offering 4G+ network data to their subscribers FREE OF CHARGE, because they are still in the testing phase. The management of Comium understands that the subscribers might face some issues during the trial period, and hence expects comments and feedback from their customers in order to enhance the network and offer the […]

Ensuring Data-Centric Security in a Dynamic Cyber Environment

Just imagine that you can no longer access your email or use the internet; this is a small glimpse of the cyber-attacks that telecoms are facing nowadays. The continuous involvement of technology in our daily lives makes distributed denial services (DDoS) attacks something forcibly enacted. No one is immune to the security threats which raised […]

No One Is After Your Leftover Data

The proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices has boosted the amount of data passing through the networks of telecom companies. Telecom corporations must process, store, and analyze the available data. They may become more effective by streamlining the network, bettering the client experience, and strengthening security thanks to big data analytics. According to research, […]

Microsoft Targets Internet Expansion in Africa, Longer-Term Cloud Adoption

Microsoft Corp aims to secure internet access for 100 million more people in Africa by 2025, teaming up with a satellite provider and setting the stage for longer-term cloud adoption, its President Brad Smith told Reuters. The software maker has long pushed to bring more people online, playing the role of facilitator among telecoms and […]

Data Connection: How Telcos Can Meet Increasing Demand

The telecom sector will have new chances and difficulties in 2023 as a result of the competitive, technological, and competitive environments that are changing rapidly. Let’s look at a summary of the major developments influencing the telecom sector, from more competitive broadband markets to cybersecurity in the 5G future, and an major surge in data […]

Importance of the Car Connection Data Control

Day by day, more connected automobiles are hitting the road. Drivers are generating mass volumes of data about them and their cars. The window of opportunity is open for tech companies and automakers alike. Yet a straightforward question arises, who owns the data and has control over it and its use? It remains unclear. The […]

How CSPs Can Get the Most from Their Data

Improving customer experience, developing sensible new products, and increasing customer loyalty – these are the important goals for telecommunication providers, and they have one thing in common: Essential prerequisites for achieving them are data and data analysis. Data forms the basis for a better understanding of customers, their behavior, and their current and future needs. […]

How Can Big Data Benefit Large-Scale Trading Banks?

Advanced technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud storage, and big data endorsed the financial industry’s digital transformation, allowing banks to heighten their market competition. Big data is one of the leading technologies that helped support and implement digital transformation for large-scale trading banks through storing and analyzing new and advantageous data to […]