Search results for "internet data"

Where Is Your Data Stored?

Nowadays, it can be quite unfathomable to think of modern technology without somehow associating it to cloud computing. Some of the world’s biggest companies have established a cloud-based business model with a massive capacity to store data, advantaging them to optimize their processes. Data stored in the cloud backed across various sites means they are […]

How To Protect Your Data in 2022?

With the sudden surge in online working and learning, mainly fueled by the latest health events that hit the world population, the number of internet users has increased considerably in the last few years. According to statistics by the international telecommunications union (ITU), the number of internet users increased by 9 percent between 2019 and […]

Web 3: What the 3rd Generation of the Internet Brings to the Table

You can be forgiven for thinking that Web3 or Web 3.0 is just another trendy buzzword that lets tech companies sell you the same product slightly upgraded under a cool new façade. For one thing, there is no official definition for Web 3, just a collection of parameters that classifies its general qualities, functions, and […]

'The internet's on fire' as techs race to fix software flaw

A critical vulnerability in a widely used software tool — one quickly exploited in the online game Minecraft — is rapidly emerging as a major threat to organizations around the world. “The internet’s on fire right now,” said Adam Meyers, senior vice president of intelligence at the cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike. “People are scrambling to patch,” […]

Biden signs $1 trillion infrastructure bill for Roads, Crypto, and Internet

President Joe Biden signed on Monday a $1 trillion infrastructure bill to reconstruct the country’s foundation from roads, electricity and expanding access to broadband internet. The President’s latest legislation will be the heftiest federal funding for infrastructural framework in more than a decade. The program incorporates a $65 million funding to enhance broadband accessibility to […]

Facebook to shut down face-recognition system, delete data

Facebook said it will shut down its face-recognition system and delete the faceprints of more than 1 billion people amid growing concerns about the technology and its misuse by governments, police and others. “This change will represent one of the largest shifts in facial recognition usage in the technology’s history,” Jerome Pesenti, vice president of […]

China tightens political control of internet giants

The ruling Communist Party is tightening political control over China’s internet giants and tapping their wealth to pay for its ambitions to reduce reliance on U.S. and European technology. Anti-monopoly and data security crackdowns starting in late 2020 have shaken the industry, which flourished for two decades with little regulation. Investor jitters have knocked more […]

Africa internet riches plundered, contested by China broker

Outsiders have long profited from Africa’s riches of gold, diamonds, and even people. Digital resources have proven no different. Millions of internet addresses assigned to Africa have been waylaid, some fraudulently, including through insider machinations linked to a former top employee of the nonprofit that assigns the continent’s addresses. Instead of serving Africa’s internet development, many […]