Search results for "5G technology"

Smartphone penetration growth in emerging markets

Smartphone continues to rise in the developing world. According to a GSMA report, by 2025, smartphone penetration will reach 80% globally. The countries contributing to the significant increase includes, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Consumer behavior is shifting and changing. 70% of smartphones will run on LTE, which reflects the dominant influence of the mobile internet […]

En route to the world’s first Smart Hospital

Lately, it feels like 5G is the only thing we ever seem to be talking about, and for good reason. When we think about 5G, we think about the many possibilities of innovation that could revolutionize services across industries. The medical world is no exception. Based on rapid technological advancements and the growing demand for […]

Telecoms predictions for 2020

It wouldn’t be the beginning of the year without a piece on predictions. Inside Telecom has put together our top Telecoms predictions for 2020, from some of the most influential people in the business. A move to speed-based pricing for mobile Even though operators are not currently charging a premium for 5G services, this doesn’t […]