Search results for "space technology "

Telcos in the Metaverse: World Domination

As slow as its development has been, the Metaverse is on its way to greatness. If you are struggling to wrap your head around this concept, here’s another way to think about the Metaverse: it’s a 3D rendering of earth where we, humans, go to live another life emulating the one we already are living. […]

U.S. Targets Google’s Online Ad Business Monopoly in Latest Big Tech Lawsuit

The U.S. Justice Department accused Alphabet Inc’s Google on Tuesday of abusing its dominance in digital advertising, threatening to dismantle a key business at the heart of one of Silicon Valley’s most successful internet companies. The government said Google should be forced to sell its ad manager suite, tackling a business that generated about 12 […]

Two Energy Giants, Two Green Projects: One Double-Booking in North Sea

Oil major BP plans to build a vast carbon capture project beneath the North Sea that would be crucial to Britain hitting its emissions targets. Power giant Orsted aims to build a huge offshore windfarm to help the country meet renewable goals. The problem is, the seabed’s double-booked, and something has to give. Britain granted […]

The Digital Silk Route: Echoes of the Past

Mark Twain, the greatest humorist the US has produced, once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” What’s past is past, but it does come back in a similar but not the same form (i.e., a rhyme). Accordingly, the Digital Silk Route (DSR) is not identical to the traditional silk route, […]

Here's What Twitter Lost in Advertising Revenue in Final Months of 2022

Top advertisers on Twitter slashed their spending after Elon Musk’s takeover, according to estimates compiled for Reuters by research firm Pathmatics, in the latest shock to the company’s dominant revenue source. Fourteen of the top 30 advertisers on Twitter stopped all advertising on the platform after Musk took charge on October 27, according to the […]

The Core Alliances of South Korea 6G

Business Korea’s core alliances report that the government expects commercial 6G to become widely accessible from 2028 to 2030. What use cases will be made of the new technology as 6G networks promise speeds 50 times faster than those of 5G are still being determined. Even said, South Korea’s interest is not surprising given that […]

5G and the Metaverse: Powering the New Social Connections

Despite multiple tech giants working on it, the metaverse has yet to arrive in all its virtual glory. In addition, the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) has yet to be adequately adopted worldwide due to the public being satisfied and content with 4G. But once the metaverse is deployed, 5G adoption will skyrocket as […]

China Acquires ‘Golden Shares’ in Two Alibaba Units

China has acquired minority stakes with special rights in two domestic units of tech giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, business registration records showed, as Beijing extends a campaign to strengthen control over online content. Beijing has been taking ‘golden shares’ in private online media and content companies for more than five years, and in recent […]

The Path of Big Tech and World Domination

As we hear the argument about tech companies taking over the responsibility of governments, our minds technically travel back to the early days of Covid19 pandemic, when everything suddenly became virtual. This downturn had no alternative, which made every sector reliant on technology. Technology has played a dominant role in implementing government systems on a […]

Big Tech and AI: A Match Made in the Matrix

In light of Microsoft’s recent expensive investment in OpenAI after their generative artificial intelligence (AI) ChatGPT went viral, everyone is wondering how the game has changed since Big Tech giants set the rules for the rest of us. OpenAI is a startup company specializing in artificial intelligence research to promote and develop friendly AI to […]