Search results for "tech companies "

An "eraser button"? Focused ideas could help bridle Big Tech

Break up Big Tech? How about shrinking the tech companies’ shield against liability in cases where the content they push to users causes harm? Or creating a new regulator to strictly oversee the industry? Those ideas have captured official attention in the U.S., Europe, U.K. and Australia as controversy has enveloped Facebook — which on […]

U.S. Senate reinforces restrictions on Chinese tech firms

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted unanimously on legislative approval to halt Huawei and ZTE’s plans from obtaining additional equipment licenses from watchdogs. Chinese tech firms Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and ZTE Corp took their latest punch from regulatory authorities in a supplementary attempt to impose harsher legislation on Chinese operations in the U.S., under […]

Chinese tech regulations morph U.S. firms’ course of action

U.S. Big Tech legion seems to be torn between two economic powerhouses. In a battle for dominion between the East and the West, Big Tech companies are forfeiting from the Chinese market to prevent getting caught in the conflict, except for Apple, according to the BBC. Last week, Microsoft announced news of shutting down its professional […]

U.S. intel warns China could dominate advanced technologies

U.S. officials are issuing new warnings about China’s ambitions in artificial intelligence and a range of advanced technologies that could eventually give Beijing a decisive military edge and possible dominance over health care and other essential sectors in America. The warnings include a renewed effort to inform business executives, academics and local and state government […]

Consumer watchdog to probe Big Tech payment systems

In its first significant action under a new director, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is ordering Apple, Amazon, PayPal and other tech giants to reveal how their proprietary payment networks function. Apple Pay, Google Pay and other payment systems created by big tech companies now dominate large portions of e-commerce and person-to-person payments. CFPB Director […]

GITEX Tech Week, day 3: Announcements buzz the event floor

The third day of GITEX Tech Week 2021 was one full of announcements; many companies had waited until everyone was immersed into the action to get them fired up with their innovations and news. Ceremonies, statements, new releases, partnerships, and the like reciting exciting opportunities opened up in the world of tech. Be they local, […]

GITEX Tech Week, Day 1: Innovation at the Helm

The inaugural day of GITEX Tech Week was filled with childlike excitement for almost all attendees. Your sense of scent is the first to be triggered when stepping into the halls of the event. Imagine the satisfactory smell of newly opened technology, a brand-new smartphone, laptop, or tablet, then multiply that times a million; truly […]

U.S. Senate anti-discrimination bill weighs on Big Tech firms

On Thursday, a bipartisan entity of senators revealed plans to welcome a nondiscrimination bill as pressure rises on the U.S. Senate to legislate a new set of laws prohibiting tech platforms from preferencing the company’s commodities and services over their rivals. After months of negotiations and hearings, the Senate has finally spoken, and its latest […]