Search results for "tech companies "

Money20/20 Successfully Re-Unites Global Fintech Community

Money20/20 today reports that more than 8,000 attendees, from over 2,500 companies participated at Money20/20 USA at The Venetian Resort, Las Vegas in late October. The event was a showcase for the fastest growing and most innovative fintech companies. This follows the hugely successful Money 20/20 Europe, held in Amsterdam in September, which hosted more […]

Washington Expands Blacklist of Chinese Tech Firms

As U.S. pressure intensifies on Chinese tech firms, the Commerce Department blacklisted Wednesday a new list of Chinese firms under the pretense of direct affiliation with the Communist Party Apparatus. Officials have taken these measures as a plan to halt rising American technologies from being implemented for quantum computing purposes, given it would aid the […]

After Beijing, Washington, EU unleash Big Tech regulation crusade

With the exponentially mounting tension between the U.S. and China, and each powerhouse launching its own Big Tech regulation crusade against homegrown giants, the U.S., and Europe have finally concluded how to target legion’s ever-growing supremacy. Both continental forces have finally taken their final stance regarding American tech chiefs, with the European Union (EU) having […]

Google to invest $750 million in Australia's tech future

Google announced Tuesday plans to invest $750 million in Australia’s tech future in the upcoming five years, ten months after threats of pulling the search engine out of the country. This year has put the Big Tech giant’s affiliation with the Australian government under the spotlight, as Google threatened to extract its search engine from […]

Europe bolsters pioneering tech rules with help from Haugen

European lawmakers have pioneered efforts to rein in big technology companies and are working to strengthen those rules, putting them ahead of the United States and other parts of world that have been slower to regulate Facebook and other social media giants facing increasing blowback over misinformation and other harmful content that can proliferate on […]

China's Singles' Day shopping fest muted amid tech crackdown

China’s biggest online shopping day, known as “Singles’ Day” on Nov. 11, is taking on a muted tone this year as regulators crack down on the technology industry and President Xi Jinping pushes for “common prosperity.” The Singles’ Day shopping festival — also known as Double 11 — is a massive event for China’s e-commerce […]

What is the difference between Biotech and Pharma?

The merger between medicine and technology has been on the rise for quite some time, and exponential development in integrating the digital world with the medical one has grown on various frontiers. So, what is the difference between Biotech and Pharma? Biotechnology companies focus on producing medicine originated from living organisms, while pharmaceutical medications are […]

EXPLAINER: Why are foreign tech firms pulling out of China?

Yahoo Inc. is leaving the China market, suspending its services there as of Monday amid what it says is an “increasingly challenging” business and legal environment. Foreign technology firms have been pulling out or downsizing their operations in mainland China as a strict data privacy law specifying how companies collect and store data takes effect. […]

Google bids on Pentagon program for Cloud computing technology

Three years ago, Google was pressured by its employees to drop a Pentagon project using artificial intelligence (AI), now, the Big Tech giant is chasing after another massive contract that will work on cloud computing to the military, according to The New York Times.  In 2018, Google backed away from Project Maven with the Department of […]

Humanity and produce: The Future of Biotechnology

We humans are curious creatures. If we weren’t we would still be living in caves, if living at all. It is in our nature to pursue answers about the cosmos, why things are the way they are, how they came to be, and endlessly more complex questions.   Among the most baffling questions that keep scientists awake at night is ‘what is life’. The future of biotechnology may hold the answer to […]