Search results for "space technology "

Photonic Integrated Circuits: The Future of Computing

We generate about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data per day. This rate of data creation will increase as the IoT (Internet of Things) gains popularity. In 2020, there will be about 44 zettabytes of data worldwide. By 2025, there will probably be 175 zettabytes of data, considering how much data is produced every day. With […]

What the Future of Drones Will Look Like

Drones are a game-changing technology that will change in ways you probably never thought possible over the course of the next ten years. Even though you might not give drones much thought now, they will have a significant impact on all of our lives in the future. Today, drones can be found on other planets […]

Meta Is in Trouble

Meta is currently showing signs of a downfall. It is hard to notice such signs when looking at a giant company worth trillions of dollars, but it does not mean cracks do not exist. The company’s stock got thrown from a 130 dollars price to a trading point of ninety-eight dollars, a more than a […]

Nasa’s UFO Panel Convenes to Study Unclassified Sightings

A first-of-its-kind panel organized by NASA opened a study on Monday of what the government calls “unidentified aerial phenomena,” commonly termed UFOs, bringing together experts from scientific fields ranging from physics to astrobiology. The 16-member panel, convened with little fanfare, will focus its inquiry entirely on unclassified sightings and other data collected from civilian government […]

NFT Metaverse Games: An Immersed Experience in the Metaverse

Despite what you might think about the whole NFT space and teenagers becoming millionaires over night by fluke, NFT Metaverse games are some of the best applications for the new Web 3 technologies that emerged in recent years. NFTs can now be used for a variety of purposes, such as digital identity management and actual […]

AdvaMed Medtech Conference 2022: Here’s What You Need to Know

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) is an American medical device trade association. Based in Washington, D.C, it is the world’s largest technology association, including device, diagnostics, and digital technology manufacturers. The AdvaMed MedTech Conference 2022 was one of their most anticipated events this year. From top executives to innovators, the attendees team up to […]

Telecom Giants Aiming for Peak Fintech Adoption

Financial innovations are happening globally, with telecom companies aiming to be critical players and thrive alongside and by utilizing fintech solutions and finding a footing in the fintech space. Experts note that the shift into digital aspects will be permanent. Smartphones currently power financial services and payments, allowing access to revitalized data, embracing technological innovations, […]

The New Flying Car: A Childhood Dream Come True

From “The Jetsons” to “Back to the Future,” flying cars have dominated mainstream media since the 1900s. Every child’s vision of the future, be it dystopian or utopian, included these vehicles. Our childhood dreams are not as out of reach anymore; Alef Aeronautics has presented its new flying car and announced that it will be […]

Disruptive Innovation in the Energy Sector

Disruptive technologies emerged in the energy sectors, rapidly changing the global energy landscape. A technology that creates new business models disrupting the traditional one is referred to as a disruptive technology, as per Clayton Christensen, the man behind the naming. Such disruptive innovation in the energy sector can spark a revolution in technological capabilities, digital […]