Search results for "robot"

Testing tech ideas in public? San Francisco says get permit

By JANIE HAR Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Tired of San Francisco streets being used as a testing ground for the latest delivery technology and transportation apps, city leaders are now requiring businesses to get permits before trying out new high-tech ideas in public. Supporters of the legislation, which the Board of Supervisors unanimously […]

EU warns hostile countries are 5G risk, avoids naming names

By KELVIN CHAN AP Business Writer LONDON (AP) — The European Union warned Wednesday that next-generation telecommunication networks face a range of cyber threats, including from hostile countries. While steering clear of singling out Chinese tech company Huawei, an EU security risk assessment identified “states or state-backed actors” as the most serious and likely culprits […]

Financial Technology - A Dive into Fintech

Financial Technology or better known as Fintech is currently the description of a business that aims to provide financial services by making use of modern technology tools such as mobile payments.  It is a multibillion-dollar industry changing every financial aspect of our life. Indeed, you can now open a bank account over the internet, without […]