Search results for "apple watch"

Apple Disputes French Findings, Says iPhone 12 Meets Radiation Rules

Apple defended its iPhone 12 model on Wednesday, September 13, after a French watchdog ordered a halt to its sales citing breaches of European Union radiation exposure limits. The French move raised the prospect of further bans in Europe. Germany’s network regulator BNetzA said it might launch similar proceedings and was in close contact with […]

Apple's WWDC 2023: The Future is Today 

Turning fiction into reality and reality into the metaverse. If you’re a fan of Apple products, as I am, you’re going to love this. Sitting in your bed and watching your favorite movie right in front of you, It feels so real as if you’re inside the movie. Let me tell you, this year’s Worldwide […]

No Longer Low Hanging Fruit: Apple Tempts and Teases

Apple’s cautious approach of incremental upgrades and attention to detail enables them to refine products based on user feedback, while quietly working on groundbreaking innovations. You’re walking down the street, listening to your favorite tunes on your new iPhone. Suddenly, you spot someone across the road swiping effortlessly on their ultra-sleek, foldable smartphone. It’s the […]