Search results for "space technology "

Zain Kuwait, and the Urgent Need to “Globalize” the Local Identity

Zain is undoubtedly one of the pillars of the telecom sector in the Middle East and North Africa. The story started in 1983 with the establishment of the Mobile Telecommunications Company (MTC), in a time where digital mobile communications was still being developed with mostly predominant fixed telephony. MTC soon became among the first providers […]

Best Tech Inventions of the 21st Century that will Transform our World

We can envision the future by observing the present and making predictions about the future of humanity based on the technologies that are getting the most attention today. In the first half of the 21s century, we are already seeing the advancement of world-changing technologies that will shape the centuries ahead of us. Here is […]

Best Tech Stock to Buy Right Now

Nowadays, investing is perceived as a new means to make money to be set aside while hustling through your 9 to 5 job with the hope of building wealth. The concept itself of paying out a certain amount with the anticipation of gaining more money throughout time is tempting. For that reason, it is of […]

How to Get on Spotify User Generated Playlist?

To any music fanatic out there, such as myself, you’ve definitely heard of Spotify; I mean, who hasn’t. The platform is recognized by its algorithm that delivers artists every means to harness and reach the right audience. Artists are seeking one objective and one goal only: having a user press that small heart-shaped button that […]

2022 Embraces Financial Innovation: Top Trends and Predictions

As we bid 2021 farewell, the takeaway from this eventful year is that we should learn to cling to the wave of change that accompanies the human race and, with it, the wave of endless innovations. 2021 came, and along came the never-ending opportunities of financial innovation to evolve as a race and clutch to […]

Li-Fi: Is It Better Than Wi-Fi? And Proper Substitute?

Wireless Fidelity, or simply Wi-Fi, standardized under IEEE 802.11, revolutionized the way we connect and access the internet. It allowed ubiquitous connectivity and a declining dependence on wired Ethernet connections and modems. Wi-Fi has become an integral part of our life with our houses, workplaces, leisure centers, even public transportation facilities, among others, equipped with […]

Rising Cybersecurity Tactics from the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis: A Prelude to a Global War?

Contrary to general belief, cyberattacks were much older than the internet itself. The first incident, which can be qualified as a cyberattack, took place nearly two centuries ago when a pair of thieves hacked France’s telegraph wireline communications system and stole some important financial information. Since then, the evolution of telecommunication systems has been accompanied […]