Search results for "new ai"

Trump backs proposed deal to keep TikTok operating in US

NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump said Saturday he’s given his “blessing” to a proposed deal that would see the popular video-sharing app TikTok partner with Oracle and Walmart and form a U.S. company. Trump has targeted Chinese-owned TikTok for national security and data privacy concerns in the latest flashpoint in the rising tensions […]

Nurturing your mental health during a pandemic

Certain COVID-19-related words such as social distancing, pandemic, and quarantine are enough to make anyone feel anxious. While maintaining a distance from others helps mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, it does take a certain toll on our mental health. Luckily technology presents possible solutions for those of us who are battling with depression and […]

Paratus Zambia pioneers 100Gig Metro Fiber Ring for Telco Group

Paratus Zambia has deployed a 100Gig metro fiber ring in Lusaka, which is a first for the pan-African telecommunications Group. In addition to delivering Data Center solutions, the enterprise network will now also provide robust business fiber services, that guarantees uptime and  quality connectivity. The capabilities of the fiber ring are unsurpassed, as it utilizes […]

Impacts of the pandemic on SMEs: First in, first out

The pandemic sent shockwaves across the world with many SMEs bearing the brunt of the crisis due to the reduction in global demand for goods and services.   The worst effect of the pandemic on SMEs were the mass layoffs seen throughout all industries, although disproportionately. Disposable income that could have circulated in the economy became […]

Apple to launch first online store in India next week

NEW DELHI (AP) — Apple announced Friday that it will launch its first online store in India next week, as it seeks to increase sales in one of the world’s fastest-growing smartphone markets. The company at present uses third-party online and offline retailers to sell its products in the country. Apple CEO Tim Cook said […]

Korea’s KT will build 5G testing to support SMEs

On September 16, 2020, Korean Carrier KT announced plans to build 5G test facilities nationwide. This move comes as part of the Korean government plan to support companies developing new services using 5G technology. The KRW 28.5 billion (US$24.2 million) project aims to provide small and medium-sized firms access to research versions of the 5G […]

Top 3 digital health technologies post- pandemic

It’s certain that the current pandemic will eventually come to an end. However, some of the digital health technologies we’ve adopted along the way have proven to be indispensable, and some technologies may not be so prominent after the crisis. Here are top 3 digital health technologies that are likely to stick around post- pandemic. […]

£4m Scottish Government investment to launch 5G innovation hubs to drive economic growth across Scotland

The Scottish Government has today confirmed a £4m funding package to support the establishment of a network of hubs to accelerate the adoption of 5G. The Scotland 5G Centre to launch national network of hubs as announced in the Programme for Government, starting in Forth Valley. The Scotland 5G Centre (S5GC) will today (September 17th, 2020) launch its S5GConnect […]

The glaring problem with COVID-19 vaccine deployment

As most of us already know, creating a vaccine is only half the challenge of beating the pandemic. Getting 7 billion people vaccinated is a colossal undertaking, the scale of which has never been seen in history. How will the world manage and sustain COVID-19 vaccine deployment, and ensure equitable access to everyone? It is […]