Search results for "COVID-19 "

UK grandmother becomes the first to receive vaccine for COVID-19

A 90-year-old grandmother, Margaret Keenan, who will be celebrating her 91st birthday next week, has become the first to receive the approved COVID-19 vaccine. Amid clapping, smiles and cameras, Keenan received the first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech shot. “I feel so privileged to be the first person vaccinated against COVID-19,” Keenan told BBC News, “it’s […]

New technology may allow COVID-19 testing with a smartphone

It has been widely accepted that more rapid and decentralized testing is the best way to maintain societal function while keeping the wider community safe. According to a study published in the scientific journal Cell, researchers from Gladstone Institutes, UC Berkeley, and UCSF detailed their new CRISPR-based COVID-19 testing technology which can be used for rapid COVID-19 […]

EXPLAINER: How phones can alert you to COVID-19 exposure

More than 8.1 million people in the U.S. have turned their iPhones and Android devices into pandemic contact-tracing tools, but it hasn’t been of much use when their neighbors, classmates and coworkers aren’t on the same system. Apple and Google co-created “exposure notification” technology to alert phone users if they spent time near someone who […]

As hospitals cope with a COVID-19 surge, cyber threats loom

By late morning on Oct. 28, staff at the University of Vermont Medical Center noticed the hospital’s phone system wasn’t working. Then the internet went down, and the Burlington-based center’s technical infrastructure with it. Employees lost access to databases, digital health records, scheduling systems and other online tools they rely on for patient care. Administrators […]

Facebook to remove COVID-19 vaccine-related misinformation

Facebook said Thursday it will start removing false claims about COVID-19 vaccines, in its latest move to counter a tide of coronavirus-related online misinformation. In the coming weeks, the social network will begin taking down any Facebook or Instagram posts with false information about the vaccines that have been debunked by public health experts. The […]

New technology has made COVID-19 group tests possible

An independent technology and product development company, The Technology Partnership (TTP) has developed CoTest, a pooled screening device for conducting COVID-19 group tests.  The vaccine is coming but when and who will get it first still remains unclear, but what is for sure is that testing cannot stop now, or in the next year at […]

Telecom operators and education during COVID-19

Telcos were always looking to adapt new services and technologies to offer educational platforms to their audience, but before the virus outbreak, none of them succeeded. When the pandemic hit, focus on the education sector increased significantly and online tools became the most important way to ensure the continuity of education. In addition, education ministries […]

Why GovTech adoption during COVID-19 is a must

GovTech is a new term that refers to the modernization and/or digitization of government services for better accessibility and efficiency of public services. A mouth full, but this suggests a need for governments to do what the private sector has been doing from the start: embrace and incorporate industry 4.0 technology. However, to do so […]

Vaccine warriors: University of Oxford COVID-19 vaccine update

As the race for a new COVID-19 vaccine continues, the University of Oxford vaccine is effective at stopping people from developing COVID-19 symptoms. Overall, results indicated 70 percent protection rate, however, researchers claim that figures can increase to 90% if the dose is modified.  Study lead, Andrew Pollard, Professor of Paediatric Infection and Immunity at […]