Search results for "COVID-19 "

AstraZeneca: COVID-19 vaccine 'highly effective' prevention

AstraZeneca said Monday that late stage trials of its COVID-19 vaccine developed with Oxford University were “highly effective” in preventing disease. The results are based on interim analysis of trials in the U.K. and Brazil of the vaccine developed by Oxford University and manufactured by AstraZeneca. No hospitalizations or severe cases of COVID-19 were reported […]

FDA authorizes first COVID-19 home testing kit

As the pandemic continues to spread, some countries are hitting new records of Covid-19 cases per day while others go back into total lockdown. Although it may seem like the pandemic is winning, humanity is scoring its own wins. Starting from the two proposed Covid-19 vaccines, to the latest innovation in home testing kits.  Earlier […]

Crowdfunding: A silent hero in the Covid-19 era

As the world preps itself for a second wave of Covid-19 and vaccine development continues, one cannot deny the hardships humanity has faced this year. Businesses of all shapes and sizes struggled, economies slowed, and people were overworked from the comfort of their own homes. But if there’s one thing that defines successful entrepreneurs and […]

What COVID-19 means for automation technology and our future

Economic recessions are pivotal times in every nation’s history. Today, the decisions made for the future of the economy and society at large will continue to unfold in response to the forming pandemic. While the crisis has prompted the need to adopt automation technology across industries, how will this shift impact our future? Today, the […]

Fitbit makes great strides in early COVID-19 detection technology

Fitbit has been selected by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command to receive a grant of around $2.5 million to advance their research on an early COVID-19 detection algorithm, with data collected through wearable fitness devices. The success of this research and others like it would be a game changer for the fight […]

Pfizer and BioNTech develop vaccine candidate against COVID-19

U.S.-based biopharmaceutical company Pfizer announced Monday the initial analysis of their early Covid-19 vaccine trials that showed more than a 90 percent efficiency in preventing the disease among participants that had no evidence of prior infection. The Pfizer vaccine has been tested on a pool of 43,500 people across six different countries, while not raising […]

COVID-19 vaccine development: progress to the next phase

As we stretch the boundaries of technology and use it as an essential tool in our battle against the pandemic, we understand how critical vaccine development is to help us overcome current and future global heath challenges.  Professor Robin Shattock, from the Department of Infectious Disease at Imperial College London, is pioneering the development of a […]

3 reasons why Covid-19 may not be kept under control

Cultural customs and etiquette In some cultures, people bow their heads lightly or give a subtle nod of acknowledgement when greeting someone. In other cultures of the world, two people may rub noses or greet by conventional handshake instead. Countries with more intimate greeting habits such as kissing cheeks, shaking hands or hugging increase risk […]

3 ways businesses can embrace digital transformation during COVID-19

Digital transformation does not just refer to starting a website or app for any business out there, it is more about people, both employees and customers, than the product itself. In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the sudden shift in all aspects of life will have impactful long-term effects. There are numerous things companies […]

Tourism industry looks to AI to champion COVID-19 travel

As the world slips into the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, industries are scrambling to find alternative ways to keep businesses afloat as consumer behavior shifts and adapts to a changing norm. As the Covid-19 era hastens the advancement of many technologies, enterprises are looking at tech to help improve business. One of the […]