Search results for "smartwatch"

Wearable tech market to more than double in growth by 2026

Over the years, fitness technology has grown from the bulky fridge-like mainframes to the sleek finesse of fitbits, containing more processing power than the computers that put a human on the moon. For context, innovative tech has gone from having a dedicated room to a dedicated pocket, allowing us to work, study and monitor our […]

Wearable tech: sales on the rise in India

Wearable technology has been silently on the rise in every part of the world, as the prospects of the Internet of Things (IoT) grow by the day. One of the main reasons for this emerging trend is the growing need for people to remain connected, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic since these gadgets affect and […]

eSIMs will prove to be the biggest enabler for mass IoT

Years from now, 2020 will be remembered as the year that challenged the norm set forth by humanity for decades. Reality was altered, people were pushed indoors in attempts to shield themselves from the tidal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. But while people took refuge indoors and economies were tested, the technology field prospered and […]

5G - infinite possibilities and cybersecurity concerns

Articles, videos, podcasts, infographics forecast massive transformation brought about by the rollout of 5G. While there is no doubt that the fifth-generation mobile network will bring about infinite possibilities in every sector and industry, we need to stay grounded on what’s happening in the shadows of such a colossal launch: cybersecurity. The future of wireless […]

Tech companies and Health Monitoring Apps

In the global fight against Covid-19, tech companies have developed a new-found affinity to healthcare and well-being. With their devices already being used by millions, tech companies can beam their health monitoring apps straight to their customers’ hands at the push of a download button, or with no action required at all. Here are a […]

In virus-hit South Korea, AI monitors lonely elders

By KIM TONG-HYUNG Associated Press SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — In a cramped office in eastern Seoul, Hwang Seungwon points a remote control toward a huge NASA-like overhead screen stretching across one of the walls. With each flick of the control, a colorful array of pie charts, graphs and maps reveals the search habits of […]

Apple holiday season tops projections as iPhone bounces back

By MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Technology Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple is still reaping huge profits from the iPhone while mining more moneymaking opportunities from the growing popularity of its smartwatch, digital services and wireless earbuds. That combination produced a banner holiday season for a company whose fortunes appeared to be sliding just a year […]

Bluetooth finds its place in the Smart Home Market

ABI Research  has predicted that the smart home market will make-up for over 13% of Bluetooth device shipments by 2024, which will total to over 815 million Bluetooth products at this time. Substantial growth in a wide range of device varieties, including that of smart lights, voice-control front ends, smart appliances and sensors, among numerous […]

Precision and Predictive Medicine - Technology with a bedside manner

One of the main limitations with medicine today and in the pharmaceutical industry is our understanding of the biology of disease. Here is where big data comes into play, aggregating more and more information around multiple scales for what constitutes a disease—from the DNA, proteins, and metabolites to cells, tissues, organs, organisms, and ecosystems. These […]