Search results for "us government "

EU court cancels US data-sharing pact over snooping concerns

LONDON (AP) — The European Union’s top court ruled Thursday that an agreement that allows thousands of companies — from tech giants to small financial firms — to transfer data to the United States is invalid because the American government can snoop on people’s data. The ruling to invalidate Privacy Shield will complicate business for […]

Coronavirus in Pakistan Challenges Education

Over 300,000 schools have been closed since March because of the Coronavirus in Pakistan. Students at private schools were lucky as they were able to continue learning through digital applications and platforms, however for millions of others, the essentials of a connected life – internet and smartphones – remain out of reach. With education already […]

Russia: 5G market leader in the CIS

Countries worldwide are working hard to secure a leadership position in the deployment of a 5G network. As for Russia, the country is expected to become a “leader in the 5G market” in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), according to a new report published by GSMA entitled “The Mobile Economy Russia and CIS-2019”. The […]

Iraqi government extends licenses for telcos despite poor services

While countries are working hard to secure their leadership position in providing 5G network services, Iraq is still left behind. Asia cell, Korek Telecom, and Zain Iraq hold licenses for 2G and 3G initially set to expire in 2020. However, on July 7, 2020, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Prime Minister of Iraq announced that his government decided […]

US targets $1.3 billion in French imports in tech tax clash

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration on Friday announced plans to impose taxes on $1.3 billion in French imports — hitting handbags and makeup but sparing cheese and wine — in retaliation for France’s digital services tax on U.S. technology giants. But the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said the levies would be delayed […]

Germany seizes server hosting pilfered US police files

BOSTON (AP) — At the behest of the U.S. government, German authorities have seized a computer server that hosted a huge cache of files from scores of U.S. federal, state and local law enforcement agencies obtained in a Houston data breach last month. The server was being used by a WikiLeaks-like data transparency collective called […]

Serious steps to deploy 5G networks in Colombia

On June 25, 2020, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications in Colombia has granted five radio spectrum permits for 5G technical network tests. Empressa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá S.A., Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. E.S.P (Movistar), Comunicación Celular S.A. Comcel S.A, (Claro) Xiro Investment Group SAS, and ITICS S.A.S were given 3.5GHz spectrum for a six-month 5G […]

New feature on Google Maps aids in the fight against Coronavirus

A new feature on Google Maps now allows for users to get around safely during the Coronavirus pandemic. More than 11 million people have contracted the virus worldwide, and almost 500,000 have died according to the Johns Hopkins University. Countries worldwide have adopted different restrictions depending on the severity of the outbreak, which has caused […]

Australia invests more in cybersecurity solutions

Australians are becoming more and more connected online and the cybersecurity threats are growing dramatically. Cryptomining, Data spill, Denial of service, hacking, identity theft, malware, phishing-scam emails, ransomware, scams, and web shell malware were identified as common online security risks by the Australian Cybersecurity Center ASCS. In May 2020, Scam Watch-a website run by the […]