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DeFi 101 and pandemic effects

The pandemic’s hand has stretched far and beyond all financial markets, leaving no stone unturned. Covid-19 has had a direct impact on the status of financial markets worldwide, affecting everything from traditional banking systems all the way down to the crypto world – and our attention today will be oriented towards DeFi. For those not […]

What Digital IDs mean for Telecoms

We have reached a point in our modern society where smartphones and mobile connectivity are essential to perform any task, from the menial to the complex; mobile phones currently represent the device championing digital transformation. Smartphones offer users access to countless services such as banking, insurance, e-commerce, travel, and even transportation, all while laying the […]

Tech recruitment prospects post-pandemic

The challenges brought on by COVID-19 have prompted businesses to realize the importance of having the right tech team on board and thinking outside the box when it comes to tech recruitment post-pandemic.  The rapid demand for tech ensued by the pandemic required candidates to have strong remote work skills. More precisely, people with cloud-based […]

US antitrust siege of tech widens with lawsuits vs Facebook

The giant tech companies whose services are woven into the fabric of social life are now the targets of a widening assault by government competition enforcers. Regulators filed landmark antitrust lawsuits Wednesday against Facebook, the second major government offensive this year against once seemingly untouchable tech behemoths. The Federal Trade Commission and 48 states and […]

The Latest: UK: 2 people report allergic reaction to vaccine

U.K. regulators say people who have a “significant history” of allergic reactions shouldn’t receive the new Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine while they investigate two adverse reactions that occurred on the first day of the country’s mass vaccination program. The national medical director for the National Health Service in England says health authorities were acting on a recommendation […]

5G spectrum concerns: Indian DoT calls for swift policy implementation

India needs to hasten its implementation of forward-thinking telecom policies that were approved by the country’s Cabinet back in 2018, to take advantage of the benefits hailing from emerging technologies, Department of Telecom member Bharat Kumar Jog told reporters on Wednesday. “National Digital Communications Policy (NDCP) 2018 seeks to unlock transformative power of digital communications […]

Harnessing the power of Big Data

In today’s digital economy, data is king of the hill. Data has transformed into valuable capital that fuels the production of digital goods and services. Just as automakers can’t manufacture new vehicle models without the necessary financial capital, it can’t make its cars autonomous if it lacks the data to feed the onboard algorithms. Data […]

UK grandmother becomes the first to receive vaccine for COVID-19

A 90-year-old grandmother, Margaret Keenan, who will be celebrating her 91st birthday next week, has become the first to receive the approved COVID-19 vaccine. Amid clapping, smiles and cameras, Keenan received the first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech shot. “I feel so privileged to be the first person vaccinated against COVID-19,” Keenan told BBC News, “it’s […]

Cybersecurity firm FireEye says was hacked by nation state

Prominent U.S. cybersecurity firm FireEye said Tuesday that foreign government hackers with “world-class capabilities” broke into its network and stole offensive tools it uses to probe the defenses of its thousands of customers, who include federal, state and local governments and top global corporations. The hackers “primarily sought information related to certain government customers,” FireEye […]

How con artists scam the elderly in the digital age

Scammers, hackers, and fraudsters have attempted to exploit our lack of knowledge both on and offline. Unfortunately, senior citizens have been on the short end of the stick for a while, making them the most targeted groups among all others. A report published by Deloitte estimates that scammers steal almost $2.9 billion per year from […]