Search results for "GPS"

How IoT and 5G will leap humanity into the future

The Internet of Things (IoT) is on rise. Connected devices are set to increase from 700 million to 3.2 billion by 2023, according to numbers by titan telecom manufacturer, Huawei. And with it comes endless technological possibilities that will rock modern society as we know it. This is great news for the IoT market, as […]

NHS COVID-19 contact tracing app – All You Need to Know

The recently launched NHS contact tracing app against COVID-19 has been dubbed an important milestone in the battle against the virus. But how does the app actually work? And ultimately, will it make a difference? Inside Telecom shares a few important facts everyone should know. How can I download the NHS contact-tracing app? The NHS […]

Loon: A balloon to help bridge the digital divide in Kenya

Kenya has progressed with the deployment of 5G networks. However, a number of Kenyans remain unconnected especially those who are living in rural areas. According to the World Bank report issued in October 2019, 44% of Kenyans living in urban areas have access to the Internet. However, less than 20% of the population is connected. […]

Impact of Surveillance Technologies on Democracies

As it becomes more evident that the coronavirus will affect us for years to come, governments are trying to balance human rights with monitoring infection until a vaccine is developed. Many governments have implemented surveillance technologies such as tracking apps, tracing credit card transactions, facial recognition, and even video footage. Yet these technologies undermine the […]

Norway ends virus tracing app over privacy concerns

OSLO, Norway (AP) — Norway has suspended use of its smartphone app meant to track and trace coronavirus contagions after a public spat between health authorities and the information watchdog. Geir Bukholm, an official at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), said the decision Monday to delete data and halt any further information gathering […]

Apple, Google release technology for pandemic apps

>By MATT O’BRIEN AP Technology Writer Apple and Google on Wednesday released long-awaited smartphone technology to automatically notify people if they might have been exposed to the corona virus. The companies said 22 countries and several U.S. states are already planning to build voluntary phone apps using their software. It relies on Bluetooth wireless technology […]

Virus tracing app raises privacy concerns in India

By SHEIKH SAALIQ Associated Press NEW DELHI (AP) — As India enters an extended coronavirus lockdown, the government is actively pursuing contact tracing to help control infections. At the heart of the effort in the country of 1.3 billion people is a smartphone app that evaluates users’ infection risk based on location services such as […]

Here come COVID-19 tracing apps - and privacy trade-offs

By MATT O’BRIEN and CHRISTINA LARSON Associated Press As governments around the world consider how to monitor new coronavirus outbreaks while reopening their societies, many are starting to bet on smartphone apps to help stanch the pandemic. But their decisions on which technologies to use — and how far those allow authorities to peer into […]

European virus tracing apps highlight battle for privacy

By KELVIN CHAN AP Business Writer LONDON (AP) — Goodbye lockdown, hello smartphone. As governments race to develop mobile tracing apps to help contain infections, attention is turning to how officials will ensure users’ privacy. The debate is especially urgent in Europe, which has been one of the hardest-hit regions in the world, with nearly […]

Cyprus backs voluntary tracking app use to halt virus spread

By MENELAOS HADJICOSTIS Associated Press NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — The government of Cyprus is encouraging the voluntary use of a locally developed cellphone application designed to locate people who may have come into contact with someone carrying the coronavirus. The country’s Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy said Saturday that the COVTRACER app, […]