Search results for "drones"

5G Business Models: Considerations for Operators

In the commercial telecom industry, and in the wake of the 4th industrial revolution shaking today’s markets, operators require new avenues of income. Operators have potential to make new money because of new 5G business models and capabilities including huge connectivity, ultra-reliable connections, low latency, and integration with edge services. This is especially true with […]

Untangling the Early Stage Startup 

The current work culture gravitates toward individualistic instincts increasingly. If you look around you, be it on social media or otherwise, you will see encouragement to start your own business. Startups are a pillar of the current work culture. When embarking on your startup journey, it is crucial to understand the concept of early stage […]

6G Vision for 2030: What to Expect

5G networks are still rolling out globally. Many regions still operate using 4G and, in some cases, 3G networks. It might seem a bit early to talk about 6G networks when you factor in that not everyone uses 5G. In hindsight, technology strives to push the envelope. 6G vision for 2030 will take time to […]

Robotic Tentacle Arm: A New Nightmare Unlocked by Harvard

Nature does it best, and we, humans, can only imitate it. In some instances, however, humans should not even think about it. The John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)’s robotic tentacle arm is a case in point. It’s a mechanical mix between a claw machine and nature’s most intriguing Cnidaria, the […]

The New Flying Car: A Childhood Dream Come True

From “The Jetsons” to “Back to the Future,” flying cars have dominated mainstream media since the 1900s. Every child’s vision of the future, be it dystopian or utopian, included these vehicles. Our childhood dreams are not as out of reach anymore; Alef Aeronautics has presented its new flying car and announced that it will be […]

Ways that 5G and AI Compliment Each Other

5G and AI are a match made in heaven. The potential of both will be unlocked simultaneously thanks to the perfect marriage of both technologies. But how will AI and 5G most significantly impact our regular workdays? What application cases exist for AI and 5G? The network speed, responsiveness, and efficiency of businesses can all […]

Disruptive Innovation in the Energy Sector

Disruptive technologies emerged in the energy sectors, rapidly changing the global energy landscape. A technology that creates new business models disrupting the traditional one is referred to as a disruptive technology, as per Clayton Christensen, the man behind the naming. Such disruptive innovation in the energy sector can spark a revolution in technological capabilities, digital […]

Tips for Early Christmas Shopping for Techies

As early shoppers are aware, some items will become more difficult to obtain as the holiday season approaches, especially tech items like game consoles, smartphones, drones and other in-demand products. Although the majority of shoppers appear to prefer online purchasing to in-store shopping, ordering new equipment online has its own set of difficulties. Online shopping […]

Drone Wars are Coming: Future of Drone Warfare  

Since the invention of airplanes and attaching guns to them, those who ruled the skies ruled the battlefield. This fact has only been emphasized by the deployment of drones in modern military theatres across the world, pushing military powers all over the world towards a type of drone wars for the sky above the actual […]

AI in War, Changing the Future of Warfare  

Artificial Intelligence, Ai for short, is a technology that will shake the warfare world for years to come. Various sources dissect the premises of AI in war and warn of the dangers of losing AI supremacy. Governments are creating specific departments handling Ai in future wars to win the AI battle. Technology will shape our […]