Search results for "ai tools"

Cybersecurity firm FireEye says was hacked by nation state

Prominent U.S. cybersecurity firm FireEye said Tuesday that foreign government hackers with “world-class capabilities” broke into its network and stole offensive tools it uses to probe the defenses of its thousands of customers, who include federal, state and local governments and top global corporations. The hackers “primarily sought information related to certain government customers,” FireEye […]

New technology may allow COVID-19 testing with a smartphone

It has been widely accepted that more rapid and decentralized testing is the best way to maintain societal function while keeping the wider community safe. According to a study published in the scientific journal Cell, researchers from Gladstone Institutes, UC Berkeley, and UCSF detailed their new CRISPR-based COVID-19 testing technology which can be used for rapid COVID-19 […]

Digitalization becomes make or break for companies in 2021

If there’s anything that the COVID-19 pandemic showcased, it’s the soaring weaknesses that have been swept under the rug by individuals, governments, and businesses for too long. COVID-19’s reach touched many aspects in our everyday lives, from personal medicine, to our understanding of the global economy; changes need to be made, and fast, especially for […]

As hospitals cope with a COVID-19 surge, cyber threats loom

By late morning on Oct. 28, staff at the University of Vermont Medical Center noticed the hospital’s phone system wasn’t working. Then the internet went down, and the Burlington-based center’s technical infrastructure with it. Employees lost access to databases, digital health records, scheduling systems and other online tools they rely on for patient care. Administrators […]

IoT: Tackling the global challenge of food waste

According to the Global Food Losses and Food Waste study, approximately 1.3 billion tons of food produced for human consumption gets lost or wasted per year. When such unfathomable quantities are discarded of in spite of global malnutrition and hunger, we realize the urgency of attaining a sustainable food saving solution. Emerging technologies like AI […]

The future of virtual events post-pandemic

From virtual conferences hosting up to 10,000 people, to weekly meetups on a company or team level, the virtual communication space has seen a surge during the pandemic. What could the adoption and evolution of online communication tools mean for the future of virtual events? The short answer? They will be there. Virtual events boast […]

Salesforce buying work-chat service Slack for $27.7 billion

Business software pioneer is buying work-chatting service Slack for $27.7 billion in a deal aimed at giving the two companies a better shot at competing against longtime industry powerhouse Microsoft. The acquisition announced Tuesday is by far the largest in the 21-year history of Salesforce. The San Francisco company was one of the first […]

From tangible to intangible: The impact of digital IDs

Technology has made it a point to transform the tangible into the intangible. Online banking services and the rise of Fintech is slowly making our economies cashless, the Internet of Things (IoT) is giving us easier, and more seamless control over the every day items around us, and artificial intelligence (AI) has allowed a few […]

Telecom operators and education during COVID-19

Telcos were always looking to adapt new services and technologies to offer educational platforms to their audience, but before the virus outbreak, none of them succeeded. When the pandemic hit, focus on the education sector increased significantly and online tools became the most important way to ensure the continuity of education. In addition, education ministries […]

Virus keeps Black Friday crowds thin, shoppers shift online

The raging coronavirus pandemic kept crowds thin at malls and stores across the country on Black Friday, but a surge in online shopping offered a beacon of hope for struggling retailers after months of slumping sales and businesses toppling into bankruptcy. In normal times, Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year, drawing […]