
More than half of global population to use digital banking by 2026

The pandemic has placed a spotlight on all things seamless; from restaurant menus, hotel check-ins, and even trickling down to FinTech and digital banking services. This focus has accelerated coming of a digital economy that looks to harness the technological advancements that the world has witnessed since the start of the COVID-19 health crisis, which […]

Government urged to invest in digitization of mental health services

The Mental Health Tech Landscape Review, released gby Future Care Capital (FCC), not only recommends a range of measures to enable higher quality care through the use of technology, but it also shows that there is potential for the development of a wider range of different types of technology solution. This is demonstrated by the […]

Monty Mobile offers Safe Surf to preserve digital safety

With Children and young adults spending over a third of their time online, digital safety has become indispensable. Parental control apps started gaining immense popularity among parents who seek to keep a regular check on their children’s online activities to save their kids from unwanted and dangerous mishaps of the internet world!  Monty Mobile presents “Safe Surf”, a new […]

EU puts digital tax plan on hold amid US pressure

The EU agreed on Monday to put its digital tax plan on hold, after finance chiefs from the Group of 20 leading economies supported an overhaul of the rules for taxing international companies.  “The European Commission has decided to put on hold our work on a proposal for a digital levy until October,” said European Commission spokesman Daniel Ferrie.  The proposed tax plan targets tech giants aiming […]

Milan designers hit reset button during digital fashion week

Fashion is off the hamster wheel, taking a deep breath that is allowing some freshness to seep into the once relentless cycle. “It is so weird thinking about fashion, and the kind of hamster wheel of fashion, and how we never had a break and always complained about it,’’ Marc Jacobs said during a Milan […]

Digitalization becomes make or break for companies in 2021

If there’s anything that the COVID-19 pandemic showcased, it’s the soaring weaknesses that have been swept under the rug by individuals, governments, and businesses for too long. COVID-19’s reach touched many aspects in our everyday lives, from personal medicine, to our understanding of the global economy; changes need to be made, and fast, especially for […]

Bridging the new digital divide - social contact among older adults

The National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom has been pushing tech companies to help bridge the connectivity divide that has left many older adults socially stranded during this period of quarantine – according to TechCrunch. In reaction to the request, Facebook will give 20,050 of its own Portal video-calling devices to hospitals, nursing […]

Industry 4.0 - Digital risk and evolving technologies

Industry 4.0 – Also known as the 4th industrial revolution, is a leap into everything digital. It embraces a new industrial revolution through intelligent and self-reliant technologies. Its aim is to connect the digital world with the physical one and phase out any boundaries between the two. With the support of connectivity it is a […]

Limited progress made on closing the digital divide

Connectivity is a necessity when talking with friends and family, learning new things, launching a business and finding employment. Despite this, there are still approximately 3.8 billion people around the world who do not have access to faster or reliable internet. Facebook connectivity is now working with network operators, manufacturers and other partners in order […]

Digital banking platform making headway in Africa

The first Angolan digital banking platform DUbank, is set to be inaugurated at the beginning of 2020 with an initial investment valued at $12 million. Sérgio Hirose, Executive Director at DUbank, claimed that all the legal requirements stipulated by the National Bank of Angola have already been fulfilled. The only item remaining was the endorsement […]