AI-generated avatars are refining the boundaries of digital interactions, allowing creators and brands alike to produce marketing avatars.
Meta announced that it is introducing new WhatsApp AI tools to help small and medium businesses better target their ads.
Samsung released its new tablet ad in response to Apple’s faux pas, making users ask who won. Apple or Samsung?
Xreal Air 2 glasses can be used to simulate the experience of multiple virtual screens without the need for physical monitors.
Unlocking the Power: Exploring the Vital Importance of User-Generated Content for Brands' Success and Influence.
Boosting your agency with call tracking software has never been more vital - learn the top 5 benefits for client optimization.
Big Tech has been making headlines lately as governments all over the world are scrutinizing their business practices. In fact, Germany’s FCO found Apple to be “of paramount significance for competition across markets” earlier this month. But what does that mean for small and medium enterprises that use Big Tech’s platforms to advertise themselves, like […]
Meta Platforms Inc said on Thursday it is now rolling out a long-promised system for advertisers to determine where their ads are shown, responding to their demands to distance their marketing from controversial posts on Facebook and Instagram. The system offers advertisers three risk levels they can select for their ad placements, with the most […]
I’ll start with a provocative assertion: most telcos typically pay less attention to their brands than they ought to, and that doesn’t work for them. The proof: mobile service has become commoditized in over ¾ of the 50+ markets studied by Strategy&. In many Telcos, the responsibility for the brand sits in Consumer Marketing, meanwhile, […]
Always seeking to deliver exceptional value and enhance customer experience, Monty Mobile is providing the ultimate messaging communication platform allowing businesses to stay connected with their audiences. With one single platform, you will be able to communicate worldwide through 20+channels, which will help you scale your business, increase your profits and gain customer loyalty, all […]