
Screen time usage – facts and stats

Unsurprisingly, we spend a considerable amount of time glaring at our phones for a whole myriad of reasons. Our phones are the essential tools in keeping us connected, informed and productive. But, have you ever wondered how much time you spend switching between communication tools on your device? Sometimes a stressful day can be made […]

Searching for answers - what does the future hold for SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most rapidly evolving industries of our time. It constantly keeps us on our toes and I think that is part of its attraction. But, how will advancements in technology impact this volatile industry? Will artificial intelligence (AI) have a positive or negative effect on search? What will […]

Advantages and drawbacks of Voice Recognition Technology

Voice recognition achieved by VUI (Voice User Interface) is the ability for a programmed machine to respond to voice command. With the efficiency and convenience associated to the technology, it is fast becoming a way to help bridge the gap in professional task management and daily activities. Voice recognition is becoming more sophisticated and reliable, […]

Rolling out Edge Computing in the UAE

Etisalat has made a multi-year edge computing partnership with Microsoft, which the UAE-based telco claims, will underpin future 5G services. Details are not yet fully available, but Etisalat says it wants to create a digital platform on Azure that can incorporate exciting technologies such as automation and AI. Along with 5G, it will “enable new […]

Facial recognition technology and how it’s being used

For humans, our face and unique features, are the most important forms of visual stimuli. Individual recognition is based primarily on distinguishing our individual traits, therefore, developing technology that can be used to identify peoples’ faces, makes a lot of sense. Indeed, with the help of advancing technology, facial recognition is fast becoming an essential […]

Stressing Less – how tech is transforming mental health.

In today’s intense digital world, it’s easy to feel anxious, stressed out and mentally tired in an environment of hyper-connectivity with exposure to a constant influx of information – always available at our fingertips. We all have our daily worries and if you’re not worried about a downturn in the economy, then perhaps you’re stressed […]

A rising demand for digital talent in the Middle East

2020 is well underway and consumer habits in the MENA region are changing more rapidly than ever before. The demand for digital has never been higher. Consumers in the region require variety, speed and a flawless experience. It is becoming increasingly harder for businesses to secure the right talent to develop the best solutions. The […]

Latin America’s growing mobile and tech ecosystem

By 2023, mobile’s contribution to the Latin American economy will reach just over $300 billion as countries increasingly benefit from the continued uptake of mobile services and the associated improvements in productivity and efficiency. Latin America’s growing mobile and tech ecosystem is providing support to the wave of innovation and initiative dominating the region. IoT […]

The 3 most commonly believed tech myths - busted!

The amazing research team at have taken a look at the world of tech ‘mythsteries,’ just to see what false facts the public really believes. In order to do so, they created a master list of well-known tech nonsense as well as some things that may have been true at some point, but are not […]

Mobile education & transforming the learning experience

‘Mobile education’ occurs when a student utilizes portable devices like smart phones, tablets, netbooks or handheld gaming devices, to access learning materials and systems, create content and connect with other students, teachers, learning systems and their environment. Mobile devices mean that education and learning can happen at any time and any place at a speed […]