Search results for "Intel"

China Welcomes a Fourth 5G Telecom Provider

China is one of the largest countries around the world. Together with India, it accounts for about one third of the world’s population and two thirds of Asia’s population. The country has been enjoying steady economic growth with a gross domestic product (GDP) increase of about 10 percent each year according the World Bank. However, […]

It's Alive! How Belief in AI Sentience is Becoming a Problem

AI chatbot company Replika, which offers customers bespoke avatars that talk and listen to them, says it receives a handful of messages almost every day from users who believe their online friend is sentient. “We’re not talking about crazy people or people who are hallucinating or having delusions,” said Chief Executive Eugenia Kuyda. “They talk […]

Why Self-Driving Cars are Still Unsafe?

Car production has been moving from petrol-based cars to electric vehicles with the main aim of fighting climate change by reducing CO2 emissions. The autopilot feature by Tesla in 2014 has been a notable improvement in advanced driver assistance systems taking the autonomy in cars to level 2 on the self-driving car scale out of […]

Is Technology a Good Career Path to Support the Digital Future?

Looking at societies nowadays, you will see that almost everything we do on a daily basis, be it for personal, educational, or even career purposes, is heavily intertwined with technology. This innovative approach to dealing with almost all life aspects can be simply achieved from the tranquility of any intelligent device at our disposal. The […]

What We Know So Far About the Nothing Phone?

The Nothing phone is a mystery which is slowly unravelling. The phone which should be announced next month has attracted the eyes of curious people, who are asking the same question we all are: What on earth is a Nothing phone? The phone has not been announced yet and leaks are coming thick and fast, […]

Disadvantages of AI in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) are two very trending topics at the moment. AI has been the pivotal elements modifying business strategies, improving decision-making processes, and triggering automation in every industry in the world. The latest sentience debate is a clear indicator on serious and advanced AI is becoming nowadays. Cybersecurity is the other important […]

CIA Using Instagram to Teach Russians How to Share State Secrets

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has tested the U.S. geopolitical caliber and superiority as a globally renowned powerhouse. With Russia’s condemning intrusion on Ukraine’s sovereign dominion, the U.S. played the field through economic sanctions against Russia to force some influence on Russian President Vladimir Putin. Yet, in March, it appeared that the U.S. decided to […]

The Use of AI as a Biometric Age Verification Tool

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) hasn’t stopped surprising us. As AI algorithms are evolving towards the ultimate target of mimicking the learning process in the human brain, increasingly sophisticated applications are emerging. Lengthy procedures, complex operations, and data-intensive decision-making problems are gradually being replaced by AI-based automated paradigms that try to learn from the […]

Crypto Crash Threatens North Korea's Stolen Funds as it Ramps up Weapons Tests

The nosedive in cryptocurrency markets has wiped out millions of dollars in funds stolen by North Korean hackers, four digital investigators say, threatening a key source of funding for the sanctions-stricken country and its weapons programmes. North Korea has poured resources into stealing cryptocurrencies in recent years, making it a potent hacking threat and leading […]

The Impact of Telecommunications on Our Society

The telecom evolution has been happening at a considerably fast pace. Civilizations flourished around the latest advances in technologies that allowed communications between distant parties. From smoke signals to pigeons and hawks, wireless communications went through several stages of evolution until reaching the current global connectivity we enjoy. The impact of telecommunications on society has […]