Search results for "Intel"

Reading Through the Dish 5G Network Launch

The latest fifth evolution of wireless networks has been shaping up the telecom sector for a couple of years now.  The US market is among the first to adopt the new standard. The three main operators, T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon have lately been joined by a new 5G provider, Dish. The company has long been […]

$100 Million Metaverse Research and Development Center to be Opened in Melbourne

Thailand-based metaverse startup Translucia Global Innovation, in collaboration with the Australian software development company Two Bulls, has set aside a $100 million initial budget for constructing a Melbourne-based Metaverse Research and Development Center (MRDC). The T&B Media Global art and entertainment corporation, which owns Translucia, began its Translucia Metaverse project in October 2021 with a […]

The Future of Portable Ultrasound Devices

The medical field has been benefiting a lot from technological advancements. The diagnostic, monitoring, and treatment tools have been getting smaller in size with ubiquitous usage capabilities and smarter decision-making. Ultrasound technology uses sound frequencies outside the human audible band, that is, above 20 kilohertz.  These safe waves are reflected from body structures, and processed […]

The Central Role of Telecom Operators in the Metaverse

The digital world has been witnessing intermittent events that change how we interact, access information, complete our daily activities, and basically live our daily life beyond our physical connections. Probably the first prominent introduction was the Internet and the world wide web in the nineties. The next awaited event is the advent of the Metaverse, […]

What Reaching the Size Limit of the Transistor Means for the Future

The advances in computing and communications wouldn’t have been possible without the transistor. This small semiconductor device invented at Bell Labs in 1947, has allowed the proliferation of integrated circuits, the core element in any hardware component. The latest semiconductor shortage is a clear reflection of the important place it has in current technologies. Over […]

Is There a Place for Ethos in the Future?

The technological evolution has been outpacing virtually any other field, most noticeably law and ethics. The alarming disparity between these different areas raises a question related to the uncontrollable effect the technological advances would have on the users themselves. Although ethics and ethos come from the same Greek root ēthikós which relates to morality and […]

How AI Can Take Businesses to the Next Level

Data is undoubtedly the central player in today’s business world. The different markets have reached a level of competitiveness that companies have been looking for the killer idea or even the best understanding of the market that will provide it with a competitive edge. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral component in the operations […]

China's Posts Slowest Growth Ever in '618' Shopping event

Total sales by China’s e-commerce giant rose 10.3 percent over the 18 days to Sunday during the first major shopping festival since a recent COVID-19 outbreak, the firm said, sharply down from the 2021 event’s growth of 27.7 percent. This year’s figure was the slowest for the retailer, showing how consumer appetite in the […]

The Knock-on Effect of Police Use of Facial Recognition

For the police, the use of facial technology in a technologically accelerated world is nothing but a means to optimize their internal operations to deliver a more safeguarded environment, conduct faster investigations, and catch criminals. But for the public, the police use of facial recognition is a cause of concern in terms of a potential […]

India Holds some Bandwidth for Private Networks in July's 5G Auction

India said on Wednesday it would reserve part of its next-generation telecoms spectrum for private in-house networks, as the government announced a 5G auction to take place by the end of July. Until now, India’s telecoms services have been run by specialist companies in a market dominated by Vodafone Idea, Bharti Airtel Ltd and Reliance […]