Search results for "Machine Learning"

Dealing with Constant Change in the Telco Market

Forward Thinking as a Business Strategy for CSPs A saturated market containing highly similar offerings from different providers doesn’t make it easy right now for telecommunications providers to set themselves apart from their rivals through their services and gain a competitive edge. It is clear, however, that even if they used to be pioneers in […]

How Can a DevOps Team Take Advantage of AI 

The phrases development and operations are combined to produce the term “DevOps,” which refers to a cooperative or shared approach to the duties carried out by a company’s application development and IT operations teams. With the ubiquitous use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) nowadays, how can a DevOps team take advantage of […]

Best Green Energy Stocks, Welcoming the Carbon Neutral Market

When we talk about green technology, the term is pretty much self-explanatory. It is the various ways technology can be used for the better good, more specifically, saving the planet or at least making the world a better place. The issue is no longer a matter of recycling or closing the water tap; it is […]

How to Block Mind Reading Technology

According to several publications, Chinese researchers claim to have created “mind-reading” AI. They allegedly stated that the software might be used to gauge party allegiance in a now-deleted video. Whether these allegations hold true or not, seemingly out-of-the-world concepts like mind reading inevitably makes you wonder how to block mind reading technology. How to Block Mind […]

Racism in Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition is everywhere, even if we are not aware of it. In its most abstract form, this innovation is surrounding us and keeping track of every move, fueled by one thing, face recognition technology algorithm. But can algorithms discriminate? What if algorithms used in artificial intelligence (AI) are simply beneficial as the data adopted […]

How to Invest in Web 3: A Detailed Overview

People are eagerly jumping on the Web 3 bandwagon and joining the online revolution that promises to transform the Internet as we know it. What is on everyone’s mind, given the ubiquitous enthusiasm and the potential profits that await early adopters, is how to invest in Web 3. Both investors and customers have great prospects […]

Monty Mobile Tapping Into the 5G Space

At a time when technology evolves at a breakneck speed, 5G is already on its way to transforming industries, promising further improvements and more potential with its ultra-low latency and high speed, thus providing operators and others with more accessible ways to invest in innovative revenue-generating opportunities. Monty Mobile is currently working with its partners […]

How Can Big Data Benefit Large-Scale Trading Banks?

Advanced technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud storage, and big data endorsed the financial industry’s digital transformation, allowing banks to heighten their market competition. Big data is one of the leading technologies that helped support and implement digital transformation for large-scale trading banks through storing and analyzing new and advantageous data to […]

LiveMetric’s LiveOne: A Bliss for Hypertension Patients

Wearable technology has become an essential component of our daily life, especially for chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Driven by advances in communications and computing and improved sensor accuracy, smartwatches have become real diagnostic tools capable of measuring vital signs while providing insights into our medical conditions. Efficiently measuring blood pressure with clinically […]