Search results for "saudi arabia"

Clairvoyant Technology

The Future According to Bond, James Bond Since 1962, and lately in infuriatingly irregular episodes, the world has been enrapt with the adventures of Ian Fleming’s rather prescient James Bond. It’s a tough job saving the world He’s survived laser beams whose intention was to cut him in half. He narrowly avoided been tossed into […]

Shape-Shifting Metal: The Liquid Gold of this Era

At this point, the 90s and early 2000 sci-fi movies have scripted the future of technology. Remember the flying cars from “Back to the Future”? And do you remember the shape-shifting metal in T-1000 from “Terminator 2: Judgement Day”? If yes, this innovation may be a déjà vu. In 2015, researchers at China’s Tsinghua University […]

Women in Telecom: UAE Shifting the Gender Tide

In the past decade, women’s engagement in various sectors increased through entrepreneurship or leading any position in companies and businesses. In a male-dominated society, the female presence encourages the role women can play in reshaping the fundamental structure of any sector. With the global technological drive, that role is also accentuated in the tech industry. […]

Beijing and the Gulf re-initiate discussion on the Free Trade Agreement

Ties between Beijing and the Gulf are being forged to heighten economic cooperation to reach a free trade agreement, as both regions tackle geopolitical matters with the West.  Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, revealed Beijing’s intentions of gaining momentum on the growth of developing a free trade era with the Emirates, with the intentions of […]

How IoT and 5G will leap humanity into the future

The Internet of Things (IoT) is on rise. Connected devices are set to increase from 700 million to 3.2 billion by 2023, according to numbers by titan telecom manufacturer, Huawei. And with it comes endless technological possibilities that will rock modern society as we know it. This is great news for the IoT market, as […]

Spectrum, a catalytic component of the Middle East economy

The latest research by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), highlights that spectrum makes up 3.4% of GDP for the highest 20 ICT nations from a number of sources which include employment, non-oil revenue, technological adoption and investment deployment. The range of frequencies from 3 kilohertz (KHz) to 300 gigahertz (GHz) that carries radio signals and […]