Search results for "tech giants "

U.S. Likely to Cap Level of South Korean Chips Made in China - U.S. Official

The United States will likely limit the level of advanced semiconductors made by South Korean companies in China, a senior U.S. official said. In October, South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, the world’s top memory chip makers, received a one-year reprieve from U.S. export restrictions aimed at thwarting Beijing’s technological ambitions and blocking its […]

Palantir Expects 2023 to be First Profitable Year, Shares Soar

Palantir Technologies on Monday forecast its first profitable year and said it had slowed hiring, cut stock-based payouts and reduced cloud computing investments in response to lower spending from recession-wary businesses. The forecast, coming on the back of better-than-expected fourth-quarter results, sent the data analytics software maker’s shares up 16% after hours and was set […]

Telcos in the Metaverse: World Domination

As slow as its development has been, the Metaverse is on its way to greatness. If you are struggling to wrap your head around this concept, here’s another way to think about the Metaverse: it’s a 3D rendering of earth where we, humans, go to live another life emulating the one we already are living. […]

The Digital Silk Route: Echoes of the Past

Mark Twain, the greatest humorist the US has produced, once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” What’s past is past, but it does come back in a similar but not the same form (i.e., a rhyme). Accordingly, the Digital Silk Route (DSR) is not identical to the traditional silk route, […]

Telecom Events 2022: The Groundwork for a Booming 2023

2022 was a booming year for telecom conventions and events as the world became more comfortable with the new normal set by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, everyone was trying to get back into the swing of things. Throughout 2022, several telecom events brought experts and enthusiasts up to speed on what is going […]

5G and the Metaverse: Powering the New Social Connections

Despite multiple tech giants working on it, the metaverse has yet to arrive in all its virtual glory. In addition, the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) has yet to be adequately adopted worldwide due to the public being satisfied and content with 4G. But once the metaverse is deployed, 5G adoption will skyrocket as […]

Google, Porsche in Talks over Google Apps Access

Porsche is considering fully integrating Google software into its car cockpit, a source close to the company said on Thursday, marking a shift in strategy for the newly listed carmaker. The deal, which is only being considered for the Porsche brand and not the Volkswagen Group more widely, would enable Porsche customers access to Google […]

Biden Blacklists China’s Ymtc, Crackdowns on AI Chip Sector

The Biden administration on Thursday added Chinese memory chipmaker YMTC and 21 “major” Chinese players in the artificial intelligence chip sector to a trade blacklist, broadening its crackdown on China’s chip industry. YMTC, long in the crosshairs of the U.S. government, was added to the list over fears it could divert American technology to previously […]

Australia Takes Aim at Apple, Microsoft over Child Protection Online

An Australian regulator, after using new powers to make the tech giants share information about their methods, accused Apple Inc and Microsoft Corp not doing enough to stop child exploitation content on their platforms. The e-Safety Commissioner, an office set up to protect internet users, said that after sending legal demands for information to some […]