Search results for "big tech"

HBO Max chief dismisses streamer's high-end fee as obstacle

By LYNN ELBER AP Television Writer PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — HBO Max’s high-end subscription fee won’t be an obstacle to the streaming service’s launch, said Kevin Reilly, its chief content officer. “People do not shop for their entertainment experiences with price being the primary” motivation, Reilly told a TV critics meeting Wednesday. “People don’t say, […]

UK police use of facial recognition tests public's tolerance

By KELVIN CHAN Associated Press LONDON (AP) — When British police used facial recognition cameras to monitor crowds arriving for a soccer match in Wales, some fans protested by covering their faces. In a sign of the technology’s divisiveness, even the head of a neighboring police force said he opposed it. The South Wales police […]

Ahead in the clouds: Alibaba plans to change the Olympics

By GRAHAM DUNBAR AP Sports Writer LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) — Alibaba’s promise to the Olympic family is to bring its technological might to help organizers, broadcasters and fans. The Chinese tech giant’s Olympic sponsorship deal is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and runs for 12 years, starting in 2017 and continuing through the upcoming […]

Streaming Services – Stretching the scope of entertainment

TV streaming services, have unequivocally changed our viewing habits. Technical advances have significantly improved connectivity and convenience and the world of streaming has enabled people to customize their viewing experience to suit their area of interest. In the recent years, the rise of Netflix and other services have enticed us into a binge-watching culture, enjoyed […]

NSA finds major security flaw in Windows 10, free fix issued

By MATT O’BRIEN AP Technology Writer The National Security Agency has discovered a major security flaw in Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system that could let hackers intercept seemingly secure communications. But rather than exploit the flaw for its own intelligence needs, the NSA tipped off Microsoft so that it can fix the system for everyone. […]

CES Gadgets - What’s hot in 2020!

The annual tech conference is the ideal environment for big names and startups to showcase their new creations and services for the year ahead. This year’s CES conference saw a surge in streaming services and surveillance technologies. SHARE THE AIR Uber and Hyundai are joining forces to build a fleet of flying taxis. Uber have […]

Samsung predicts smaller-than-expected drop in profit

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Samsung Electronics Co. said Wednesday its operating profit for the last quarter likely fell 34% from a year earlier, which would be a smaller-than-expected decline possibly resulting from increased smartphone shipments and gradually stabilizing computer chip prices. The South Korean tech giant estimated an operating profit of 7.1 trillion won […]

Trump signs law to reduce robocalls, though they won't end

By TALI ARBEL AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — An anti-robocalls measure signed into law Monday by President Donald Trump should help reduce the torrent of unwanted calls promising lower interest rates or pretending to be the IRS, though it won’t make all such calls disappear. The new law gives authorities more enforcement powers […]

China to complete Beidou competitor to GPS with new launches

BEIJING (AP) — China said Friday its Beidou Navigation Satellite System that emulates the U.S. Global Positioning System will be competed with the launch of its final two satellites in the first half of next year. Project director Ran Chengqi told reporters that the core of the positioning system was completed this month with the […]