Search results for "big tech"

Rust Belt region banks on becoming hub for electric vehicles

By JOHN SEEWER Associated Press The day Youngstown’s steel mills began shutting down 40 years ago remains fresh in the minds of those who live in the blue-collar corner of Ohio. Community leaders don’t want the recent closing of General Motors’ massive assembly plant to leave that same lingering gloom. The region is embarking on […]

French telecom company Orange convicted over suicides

By NICOLAS VAUX-MONTAGNY Associated Press French phone and Internet provider Orange was found guilty Friday of a string of employee suicides. A Paris court fined it 75,000 euros (more than $83,000) on Friday in a landmark court ruling over suicides in the 2000s while the company was undergoing difficult restructuring. A decision on whether to […]

Telematics – Market Growth Prospects

Telematics is a multifaceted field that comprises of telecommunications, vehicle technologies, road transportation and road safety. It is designed to improve vehicle performance by using progressive technology, which offers better services through innovation. Ernst & Young have reported, that there will be rapid growth of the global telematics market, with approximately 104 million new cars […]

The MENA Mobile Economy

The contribution of the mobile economy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, is expected to reach just over 220 billion USD by 2023, as countries increasingly benefit from the improvements in both productivity and efficiency, as a result of increased utilisation and take-up of mobile services. Last year, mobile communication technologies and […]

Norway's Telenor drops Huawei for Ericsson in 5G contract

By KELVIN CHAN AP Business Writer LONDON (AP) — Norway’s biggest wireless carrier, Telenor, on Friday chose Sweden’s Ericsson to supply part of its new 5G network, ending its cooperation with Chinese tech giant Huawei after a decade. The company signaled it would gradually remove Huawei equipment as it upgrades radio gear for the next […]

The Internet of Senses

Currently, technology connects with two of our senses (sight and sound). A study conducted by mobile manufacturer Ericsson, indicates that consumers expect an ‘Internet of Senses’ by the year 2030. This will include the ability to digitally transfer thoughts, have wearables that can immediately translate languages and experience taste, smell, touch, and temperature. As we […]

Old Names and New A. I...deas

Google – Alphabet You may have heard that Alphabet is Googles parent company. Alphabet is responsible for the ‘google car’. Alphabet has its own autonomous car department which started life as a project by Google. This department is called Waymo. Currently, although not charging any fees, Waymo is moving riders around California. They want to […]

State AGs look to head off T-Mobile-Sprint deal in court

By TALI ARBEL AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — A high-drama telecom deal is heading to court. T-Mobile, in its attempt to buy Sprint for $26.5 billion, has already notched approvals from key federal regulators. Now it must convince a federal judge that the 14 state attorneys general suing to stop the deal are […]

US proposes rules to vet all telecoms-related purchases

By ELAINE KURTENBACH AP Business Writer BEIJING (AP) — The Department of Commerce has proposed requiring case-by-case approvals of all purchases of telecommunications equipment in a move likely to hit major Chinese suppliers like Huawei. The plan issued Tuesday follows President Donald Trump’s order in May declaring a national emergency and restricting purchases by U.S. […]