Search results for "robot advancements "

How The Netherlands Can Nurture the Next Generation of Farmers

As the world’s population continues to increase, the demand for food rises as well. In the last decade, the world has seen significant advancements in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence. The combination of an expanding population and the growth of technology creates a need for innovative solutions to meet the demand for food. The Netherlands, […]

The Top Ten Assistive Technologies in our World

The world is moving towards inclusivity, be it including historically marginalized groups or adapting the world to the needs of people with health conditions or impairments. Humanity has tried to make the world accessible since the dawn of technology, starting in the early 1800s with the development of Braille, a universal reading and writing system […]

Science Fiction Technology to Science Fact

Aliens? Flying cars? Time travel? Transferring consciousness? All these science fiction concepts are closer to reality than you might think. Many thoughts cross my mind as I watch a science fiction movie. With all this technological development, the question has changed from “Will it happen? to “When is it going to happen? Many things that […]

What Is the Future of Fintech? 

It takes time to navigate the banking and finance sectors. Despite being regarded as rather conventional areas, they are constantly changing. Financial technology, or “FinTech” as it is more commonly called, is a critical sector of expansion. However, how will fintech impact financial services in the future? And what is the future of fintech? Consider […]

A Look at the Telecommunication Industry Trends

Dual transformation and industry restructuring are necessary to restore the trust and support of customers. To stop the commoditization of the network, the telecom sector will need to alter its primary business. They will need to develop a universally applicable solution for all clients. They must comprehend why the network needs to be restructured to […]

Sci-Fi and the Future

Sci-Fi movies are a pillar of pop culture. You probably reference scenes from these movies daily. In previous eras, movies related to Sci-Fi and the future gained traction and popularity. Such movies made bold claims and introduced techs and gadgets that they hoped would be a reality in the future. Well, the events of one […]

What Future Factories Will Be Like

Our factories are not what they once were. Modern and future factories are and will be filled with unmanned vehicles, IoT sensors for supply chain management, industrial augmented reality, and more. Every stage of the production process is being impacted by technology, from sophisticated robots in factories to computer vision in warehouses.  The future factory […]

AI in War, Changing the Future of Warfare  

Artificial Intelligence, Ai for short, is a technology that will shake the warfare world for years to come. Various sources dissect the premises of AI in war and warn of the dangers of losing AI supremacy. Governments are creating specific departments handling Ai in future wars to win the AI battle. Technology will shape our […]

Driverless Cars in Dubai are Coming Sooner than Expected

In the coming decade, Dubai’s transportation will undergo a significant change. Driverless cars in Dubai will soon become a common reality, and transportation is poised to undergo a revolution brought on by autonomous vehicles and other types of vehicles. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a leader in research and development (R&D) and technology, has taken […]