Search results for "robot advancements "

Vertical farming: future farming prospects

The current pandemic has really opened our eyes and showed us how fragile our food systems are. But fret not, tech comes to the rescue once again, with novel innovations in the field of vertical farming that are creating the building blocks for a sustainable blueprint to supply food to the world.  The global food […]

Could AI be the answer to world hunger?

The contributions of recent technological developments toward humanity has characterized this period in history as the best time to be alive. From advancements in the field of medicine, to construction, even reaching the service industry, we have made strides in bettering humanity’s quality of life. But there remains a lot to be done; and the […]

5G and education: prepping the minds of tomorrow

As the 5G reality begins to take shape, all industries across the board are on their way to upgrade their business models, approaches and day-to-day operations accordingly. There is no doubt that 5G will be transformative, however, the bedrock of this technological revolution relies on the minds of people who are able to keep up […]

How IoT and 5G will leap humanity into the future

The Internet of Things (IoT) is on rise. Connected devices are set to increase from 700 million to 3.2 billion by 2023, according to numbers by titan telecom manufacturer, Huawei. And with it comes endless technological possibilities that will rock modern society as we know it. This is great news for the IoT market, as […]

What Covid-19 means for future medical technology

Future medical technology is nowhere near floatation tubes or de-aging machines. What the world is seeing however, is a shift towards the beginnings of technologies unearthed by the ongoing pandemic that could act as seeds for more radical innovations later on. As some countries attempt to ease certain areas of the lockdown to pump some […]

What Covid-19 means for future medical technology

Future medical technology is nowhere near floatation tubes or de-aging machines. What the world is seeing however, is a shift towards the beginnings of technologies unearthed by the ongoing pandemic that could act as seeds for more radical innovations later on. As some countries attempt to ease certain areas of the lockdown to pump some […]

Advantages and drawbacks of Voice Recognition Technology

Voice recognition achieved by VUI (Voice User Interface) is the ability for a programmed machine to respond to voice command. With the efficiency and convenience associated to the technology, it is fast becoming a way to help bridge the gap in professional task management and daily activities. Voice recognition is becoming more sophisticated and reliable, […]

Advancing tech trends to empower the Entrepreneur

The world has changed, and the wonderful and ambitious era of tech has arrived. Its progress is increasing rapidly and if you keep up-to-date, you will see that blockchain, deep learning, neural networks, robotics, AR and smart AI-assistants can empower an individual’s professional aspirations. There is a fresher and more innovative tech solution, to replace old-fashioned […]

En route to the world’s first Smart Hospital

Lately, it feels like 5G is the only thing we ever seem to be talking about, and for good reason. When we think about 5G, we think about the many possibilities of innovation that could revolutionize services across industries. The medical world is no exception. Based on rapid technological advancements and the growing demand for […]