Search results for "robot advancements "

Global EmergeTech Summit 2022

Join the discussion on the Biggest Trends shaping the Digital Future of the Middle East at the Global EmergeTech Summit 2022 Economies and Businesses are now folding in a fair mix of six technologies that constitute the gamut of emerging technologies – AI, IoT, Blockchain, Chatbots, 5G, and AR. The adoption of these technologies is […]

Telstra deploys Ericsson Private 5G for AgriFood Connect

Telstra and Ericsson announced their first deployment of Ericsson Private 5G, an on-premises devoted 5G network for an enterprise that uses a single-server 5G dual-mode core.    The Australian not-for-profit organization, Telstra Enterprise customer AgriFood Connect, will receive this technology.   Ericsson said in a press release that “within this product, Telstra and AgriFood Connect have successfully deployed industrial IoT capabilities over 5G standalone that […]

The Future of Machine Learning and Quantum Computing

Since the rise of the fourth industrial revolution, digital innovation acted as one of the main pillars for global evolution, the future of machine learning with various tech companies adopting algorithm-based artificial intelligence (AI) will heighten the industry’s universal value. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are both associated as they are the most adopted technologies to […]

U.S. intel warns China could dominate advanced technologies

U.S. officials are issuing new warnings about China’s ambitions in artificial intelligence and a range of advanced technologies that could eventually give Beijing a decisive military edge and possible dominance over health care and other essential sectors in America. The warnings include a renewed effort to inform business executives, academics and local and state government […]

History of artificial intelligence, the next singularity

One can argue that the history of artificial intelligence began with its conception within people’s minds, which is a hard thing to pinpoint.   The word robot originated with Czech writer Karel Čapek in his 1021 play, R.U.R., in which he depicts a factory producing artificial humans, dubbed Robota, which means work or slave – don’t tell that […]

Agricultural biotechnology and future food security

Food security is the one thing at the center of societal stability. Our entire species would not be where it is now if not for past advancements in food production that allowed societies to shift their attention to other aspects of life like art, technology, and education. In our world with a population of around […]

Cybersecurity trends in 2021: Learning from a harsh year

This year has been unlike any other in living memory, barely any aspects of our lives have been spared by the impact of the worst public health crisis in decades. The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic shifted the way we lead our day-to-day, laying bare to our collective fragility, while greatly heightening our sense of uncertainty. The […]

AI in education: bringing schools into the digital age

For the last decade, the education industry has dabbled with emerging technologies in the hopes of slowly integrating them within their educational models. However, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic took the sector from carefully dipping their toes into the technological stream and threw it headfirst into an unplanned experiment of online education to hold the fort. […]

Addressing the fear of AI in cybersecurity roles

Fear of automation has been present since the first industrial revolution, and as we slowly edge closer toward entering its fourth iteration, that very same fear has lingered and begun to creep up once more. Only now it has cozied up to another worthy ally that could unearth age old fears of job loss: artificial […]