Search results for "smartwatch"

No Longer Low Hanging Fruit: Apple Tempts and Teases

Apple’s cautious approach of incremental upgrades and attention to detail enables them to refine products based on user feedback, while quietly working on groundbreaking innovations. You’re walking down the street, listening to your favorite tunes on your new iPhone. Suddenly, you spot someone across the road swiping effortlessly on their ultra-sleek, foldable smartphone. It’s the […]

The Rise of Wearable AI Assistants 

Wearables have emerged as a significant trend, seamlessly integrating into our daily lives. From fitness trackers to smartwatches, these devices have revolutionized our interactions with technology. With recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), a new frontier is emerging – wearable AI assistants. These intelligent companions have the potential to reshape the mobile technology landscape and, […]

Biden Admin Won't Veto ITC's Apple Watch Import Ban Ruling

The Biden Administration will not overrule a U.S. International Trade Commission decision that could block imports of Apple Inc’s Apple Watches for infringing AliveCor Inc patents related to heart monitoring, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative said Tuesday. An AliveCor spokesperson also said it had been informed there would be no veto of the […]