Search results for "cyber attacks"

Russian hack of US agencies exposed supply chain weaknesses

The elite Russian hackers who gained access to computer systems of federal agencies last year didn’t bother trying to break one by one into the networks of each department. Instead, they got inside by sneaking malicious code into a software update pushed out to thousands of government agencies and private companies. It wasn’t surprising that […]

Post-pandemic IT strategy; comfort, productivity, security

While almost all industries where rattled by the advent of the pandemic – a commonality that they all shared was just how crucial tech is right now, and how it has acted as an enabler in 2020. These strides in tech where what allowed companies to continue operations throughout lockdowns and enabled staff to work […]

Microsoft says hackers viewed source code, didn't change it

Microsoft said Thursday in a blog pos t that hackers tied to a massive intrusion of dozens of U.S. government agencies and private companies sneaked further into its systems than previously thought, although the intrusion doesn’t appear to have caused any additional harm. The company said the hackers were able to view some of the […]

A changing workforce during Covid: the top trends of 2021

Covid-19 was the major theme throughout 2020. It tested the fortitude of governments, companies, economies, and individuals alike in the face against a radical disruption that heavily touched the way we live our lives on every level. As with any sudden shift in global lifestyle, there have been those who have painfully adapted, while others […]

From Zoom to Quibi, the tech winners and losers of 2020

We streamed, we Zoomed, we ordered groceries and houseplants online, we created virtual villages while navigating laptop shortages to work and learn from home. In many ways, 2020’s pandemic-induced isolation threw our dependence on technology into overdrive, snipping away at our real-life connections while bringing digital relationships to the fore. But for every life-changing Zoom, […]

AI in education: bringing schools into the digital age

For the last decade, the education industry has dabbled with emerging technologies in the hopes of slowly integrating them within their educational models. However, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic took the sector from carefully dipping their toes into the technological stream and threw it headfirst into an unplanned experiment of online education to hold the fort. […]

IBM discovers global phishing campaign targeting vaccine Cold Chain

IBM x-Force has released a report detailing a global phishing campaign headed by malicious cyber actors targeting vaccine cold-chain. The campaign attempted spear-phishing attacks in six countries, aiming for organizations and higher executive individuals linked to Chain Equipment Optimization Platform program ‘Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance’, IBM analysts say. “Our analysis indicates that this calculated operation started […]

Digitalization becomes make or break for companies in 2021

If there’s anything that the COVID-19 pandemic showcased, it’s the soaring weaknesses that have been swept under the rug by individuals, governments, and businesses for too long. COVID-19’s reach touched many aspects in our everyday lives, from personal medicine, to our understanding of the global economy; changes need to be made, and fast, especially for […]

Online fraud off the charts during 2020

This year has been filled with a plethora of cyberattacks targeting businesses, governments, and individuals across the board, as they take on different shapes and forms, spanning a multitude of industries and sectors. According to U.S.-based software company Arkose Labs, almost 1.1 billion cyber-attacks were detected and halted during 2020 so far, which represent double […]