Search results for "TECHNOLOGY"

Intel’s ARC GPU to enter the gaming arena

Intel announced on Monday manufacturing plans for its brand-new consumer Graphical Programming Units (GPU) dubbed as Intel Arc, which will rival some of the biggest names in the industry with its modern high-end discreet GPUs. The chip manufacturer’s journey kicks off with innovative graphics solutions aiming to deliver high-performance gaming, engaging visuals, and consistent game streaming […]

Some praise, some doubts as Facebook rolls out a prayer tool

Facebook already asks for your thoughts. Now it wants your prayers. The social media giant has rolled out a new prayer request feature, a tool embraced by some religious leaders as a cutting-edge way to engage the faithful online. Others are eyeing it warily as they weigh its usefulness against the privacy and security concerns […]

US probing Autopilot problems on 765,000 Tesla vehicles

The U.S. government has opened a formal investigation into Tesla’s Autopilot partially automated driving system after a series of collisions with parked emergency vehicles. The investigation covers 765,000 vehicles, almost everything that Tesla has sold in the U.S. since the start of the 2014 model year. Of the crashes identified by the National Highway Traffic […]

Jury orders Apple to pay $300 million in Optis patent trial

Following a retrial in a patent dispute, a Texas jury decided on Friday that Apple should settle $300 million in royalties as a division of a global fight with Optis Wireless Technology concerning the iPhone maker’s ownership of patents on the LTE cellular standard.  The trial mostly highlighted the sum Apple should pay PanOptis Patent Management and its Optis Cellular and Unwired […]

Six Must Watch Tech Movies That’ll Keep You on Edge

A deadly virus on the loose and a global lockdown, scenarios only seen in Sci-Fi movies, quickly became a reality to most of humanity. Naturally, several industries took a major blow, as life was on pause indefinitely.  Luckily, technology doesn’t stop for anyone. The tech industry continued to develop, even after outbreaks overwhelmed countries. The rate in which technological […]

U.S. Senators bill fixates on Apple’s App Store

U.S. Senate introduced on Wednesday its latest bill directed at tech powerhouses Google and Apple to restrain their app stores’ influence on the market. The “Open App Market Act,” initiated and sponsored by senators Richard Blumenthal, Amy Klobuchar, and Marsha Blackburn would play a restrictive role in some of the largest app marketplaces, which according […]

Lee freed on parole, showing Samsung's might in South Korea

Samsung leader Lee Jae-yong walked out of prison Friday a year early in a parole decision demonstrating the conglomerate’s outsized influence in South Korea as well as continuing leniency for bosses who commit corporate corruption. Wearing a gray suit and a mask, Lee stepped out of the gates at the prison near Seoul and bowed […]

Zambia kills off the internet amid presidential elections

For authoritarianism to survive, it must learn to adapt.   While governments have been utilizing the latest tech to communicate with their people and understand their sentiment, the same tools are being used in a pervasive, yet subtle manner, in a bid to enforce repression among the public and remain in power.  An example of this could be seen as WhatsApp and other social media platforms are now being blocked in Zambia […]

Samsung slashes prices in bid to boost foldable phone sales

Samsung is hoping cheaper but more durable versions of its foldable phones will broaden the appeal of a high-concept design that’s so far fizzled with consumers. The electronics giant on Wednesday launched its effort to turn things around with two new products designed to function as both a phone and, when unfolded outward on a […]

Zoom’s latest feature will keep you focused during virtual classrooms

Teachers are accustomed to this scenario all too well; you ask your class a question only to hear crickets.   Awkward silence follows, as pressure on students to answer begins to build up. They start looking at the ceiling, flipping through their notebooks, in an attempt to dodge answering the question.  The question seems simple to you, […]